• As I burst into the captains quaters I knew what i would find, I could smell the coppery smell of blood through the smoke and the smell of the sea, I saw the Captain on the floor in a pool of blood, I knew once I saw the damage the damage to the hull that I would be the only survivor. I went to the Captains desk and took three of the most detailed maps I could find, I ran to the top deck and dived into the currents below, my body went into shock from the instant cold. I swam for awhile but only just managed to grab a hold of a peice of the hull before I passed out. The sun was comforting on my freezing cold skin, the seabirds were flying overhead and the shore was coming in at my feet, I groaned as I awoke from my deep slumber, I realized I was laying on a beach. There was debris up and down the shore line, the sun was high in the sky before I decided that I would get up from my sandy bed. I had to try and find out where I was, I pulled the slightly damp map from my pocket and spread it out over a peice of debris. From my calculations I was somewhere close to Bermuda, I set about marking my ships course on the map, it made a triangle sort of shape. Just as I was done I saw some movement further down the shore line. I got up and ran the soft sand in between my toes gave a me a nice feeling inside, I jumped over a large peice of driftwood. I did not stumble once for I had strong Sailors legs. I came to a sudden halt, there was a body on the beach and it wasnt one of my crew. It was a woman, It is bad luck to have a female aboard a ship. She did not look like any woman that I had ever seen before. She wore a pair of shoes with a funny shape on the side of them, pants that were of a material I did not recognise with some writing on them that said "Levis" I thought that must be her name, she must be very forgetful to have it written on her pants, I looked at her top, I recognised it was made from the finest silk. I knelt down next to her and nudged her slightly, she was warm to the touch, I leaned in to listen to her heart. I could hear it beating...barely. I tried to breathe air into her lungs. After three trys she coughed what seemed like half the ocean out of her mouth. She looked at me in surprise, "you?" she looked at me like she had never seen an 18th century pirate before. "Levi?" I said questioning her, "no my name is Rebecca, these are my jeans" she said gesturing to her pants. "My name is Ward I have been shipwrecked. My whole crew perished." I said she looked astonished. I asked her where she was from for her accent was nothing at all like mine, "Brooklyn, New York, The 21st century" she replied, It was my turn to look amazed. "So you're a pirate then?" she asked, she looked interested so I replied "yes of the great ship Blood Falcon".