• One morning as Mary Scovio walked down the beach,as she does every morning,she stumbled upon a box.It had washed ashore.The previous night there had been a storm.Mary figured it had washed ashore with the high tides.It was a medium-sized box with purple sides.Its gold details shone in the sun.She was facinated with the box's beauty.She tried to open it but she was dissapointed to find it was locked.
    Her parents owned a deli and were always needing money.She figured she could sell the beautiful box and give her parents the money.She picks up the box and goes to the local bank.The banker tells her she has a very special box.She goes home and gets on her computer.She googles the box.It says that only one box was ever made.
    Mary is astonished that she has the box.She looks at it and thinks "I can't sell this now."She wants to open it but she can't break the lock.She hears something in the box.She cocentrates on where the key could be.When she opens her eyes she sees a small rusted key.She picks it up and puts it in the lock.The lock pops open and falls on the floor.She slowly lifts the lid open.
    A purple fog rises from the box.It blows out the window.Mary closes the lid quickly.Outside she sees cars crashing,people yelling,natural disasters happening, and all sorts of chaos.Her mother screams from downstairs.Her father yells upstairs,"Your mother has fell and broken her hip.She is bleeding and dying.Why is this happening?"Mary thinks to herself "I did this.I have to fix it.It's my fault."She reads more on the box.It says that everyone who has opened it,has had chaos.Many have tried to destroy it but they can not.
    Mary gets the box and yells at it"Stop this.Let the evil power inside you be no more.Let my mother live and stop the chaos.I love my mother and my father.You are evil and wicked.Let your power not affect my family.They love me and I love them.Take my life not my mothers.Just let her live!Suddenly the fog disappears.A face appears in the box.It says"Thank you.You have freed my soul with the power of your love for your family.The curse is now ended thanks to you."The box turns into ashes and blows away.Mary's mother is healed and everything is alright again.Mary runs downstairs and tells her mother"I am sorry."Her mother says"It is okay child.You are my savior.Your love saved me."Mary says"Oh mother,I truly love you."