• I was the one living in the shadows of despair
    How unfair...
    O' young heir
    O' love of thee...
    Come and rescue me.

    Our country has been at stake much to long without a Lord to rule our people. We are uncivilized Britain's; all in the midst of a groveling country. The noble home, where the new Lord shall arrive, has been up to its latest conditions- we have been preparing for the new Lord's arrival.
    Nevertheless, I remain in the cellar floor, abandoned by my own family. A nobles family is enormous; consisting of my several brothers and sisters whom are trying to attain the noble lead. Only my sisters could try getting the Lords attention by pursue him with flattery... I cannot imagine myself even peering my own head above the surface ever again. When I used to live above the cellar, my older sisters would tell me about how great it must be to even contemplate about the Lord. It was sickening to my ears. I began to feel unworthy. They only wanted is wealth, not his love.
    The Lord is assigned to reach the noble home tonight, for he will rest in the top of the castle- and I at the bottom, restless. My family thinks I am nothing but scum.
    Honestly, I envy anyone whom lives above the ground. I live in the cellar, forgotten by all of my family, but I am obliged to even attain a single room with a bed and a well used fireplace. I began living in the cellar after my opinion was taken differently by my eldest sister, Brooke. We were arguing about tje Lord at his rule, and whom shall wed him. Brooke happens to be married to him...Charles didn't seem to please the country, but he is now working as a noble man alongside my father. My mother and sister brought me down into the cellar, threatening me if I was to ever show my face above the ground, I was sure to be lashed... or worse... beheaded.
    Our servant was the only family I had, he was a kind lad whom would bring me my daily meals. Justin came into the cemented cellar, which is chilly and breezy... It was pitch black; until Justin lit the torches in the hallways and rooms.
    The cellar room, which I resided in, was just as cold as the hallways of the cellar. The room used the same cement look and colouring. Anytime I was to take a breath, it felt as if a snowstorm had entered into my mouth... It was that cold. The cellar was completely enclosed, due to the fact it was underground. There had been no windows.
    My room was small, containing only of a maple-brown door, my room was the only room of colour. Gray, but it was the lightest shade of it. My bed was creme white, with a floral spread, I never actually felt anything softer than my own bed. Occasionally, when Justin came with my meals of biscuits, chicken broth, sliced carrots and relish, I would invite him to enter my room for a chat. The room would be toasty when I had logs burning in the fireplace. Justin would speak of his past life with his mother and sisters, before he came to be a noble families servant. Honestly, he told me that becoming a servant of our family was not his aspiration.
    Justin's mother convinced Justin to be our servant; easy gold. Whenever Justin's pay would come, he would take the pounds, placing them into a leather case that he had hand crafted, and he would take a night to run to his mother's home to pay for her dues. Justin's mother would slap him across his cheek if his pay was less than the amount our family offered to pay for his first round of being our servant. I pity Justin entirely, but in Justin's eyes, he pitied me. Thus, I did slightly envy Justin, for he was able to seek life above the ground.
    It was my eighteenth birthday when I moved into the cellar, Justin had just been hired recently by our family.
    "Sister, I have a pleasant surprise for you," Brooke took me by the arm.
    I was silent as I walked beside her, nervous. Brooke was up to something, especially after our argument.
    "Our servant Justin," she introduced me, "Justin this is my youngest sister, Sara," she tossed me out of her grasp on my arm.
    "Show her to her room in the cellar, you know the way!" Brooke turned away in disgust, as for I held my attitude.
    I hadn't any outbursts of emotions, only until Justin led me to my room. I know that Justin had been outside standing beside the door. He came inside to comfort me the following day, bringing me tea and crumpets.

    Tonight, I dressed formally, yet I was not sure that I would be able to see the young Lord's face. I looked at myself using my looking glass, I could feel no emotion in my blood or even my stomach. I fixed the top of my dress, relieving it of wrinkles. There was a slight knocking at my door, causing my head to be thrown into shock- looking to my left, where the door had stood.
    "M'lady, it is I, Justin. May I come inside?" I heard Justin's tender whisper come through the door.
    "Yes, please, come in," The door opened.
    "Good evening, M'lady," Justin sat down, cross legged onto my bed, "The Lord shall soon be arriving, due to my knowledge of what the noble family has informed me of."
    "Do you have any knowledge of the Lord himself?" I kindly asked Justin.
    "Slightly a thing. Only that he is a young lad, whom excelled in school, and he has come from an extremely wealthy family," His voice extended no more than a delicate whisper.
    "He seems like a fortunate young chap." I curled my hair between my middle and index fingers.
    "Indeed," Justin silently agreed.
    "Justin, do you think I could walk around in the cellar while the lord is here?"
    "Probably, but you should avoid your family. I will help you stay alert." I listened to Justin yibber-yabber, sitting on my bed- Justin went to my dresser and picked up my hair brush.
    Justin sat at my side to stroke my hair with my brush.
    To look elegant in the presence of a Lord is of high importance. Justin was well dressed as if he was the prince from a fairytale my mother used to read to me when I was a child. I shocked Justin with the actual image of a noble woman's beauty.
    Justin rose from the bed, " I will tap on the door when the Lord comes. Twice if he is alone, three times if he is not."
    "Brilliant, Justin. I shall wait," And I did wait, for a long while.
    Knock. Knock.
    I scurried to the door, as I opened it, Justin had already been gone.
    "My..." I stood in shock, looking at the dashing young Lord.
    "M'lady," He took my hand and placed his gentle lips on the top of my knuckles.
    "M...M'lord..." I bowed.
    "What would a fine lady, like yourself, be in the cellar at this hour?" His delicate voice was like a melodic hum.
    "Well, M'lord..." I sighed, "Just lost my mind..." What a stupid remark.
    "M'lady!" He chuckled, "Not a noble woman."
    I eyed him, "You haven't a clue, really."
    "No, I do not, but you are too beautiful to be insane."
    "I don't agree that all pretty women are sane," I laughed, speaking truthfully.
    "You must have hidden your lovely being all day.... Haven't seen one noble woman as pretty as you."
    "I'm flattered, really," I felt as if I was a liar.
    "Somewhat, I assume."
    "You lie," He teased.
    "What if I do, M'lord?"
    "Well, there isn't much I could do to provoke you to take that likely..."
    "Yes there is..."
    "What would that be, my fair lady?"
    "By befriending me, perhaps."
    "Yes, that would be logical."
    "And you would be starting as of now," I wanted to know him.
    "Or'ight," He murmured, "I have forgotten to introduce myself. The name's Xavier," He bowed!
    "Well, I am Sara, the noble daughter whom has been shunned by her own family," I choked.
    "Oh, never mind me. I am a fool," I pulled on my thumb, trying to hold a straight face.
    "No, no, you are not! You deserve every right to speak up!" Xavier placed his hand onto my shoulder as I leaned up against the wall not to far from the right side of the door leading to my room.
    I briefly described to Xavier what had caused my life sentence in the cellar. His voice was full of sympathy, and he tried to comfort me as I broke out into tears. Thus, there wasn't much he could do to comfort me. It's been five years since I entered into this underground living space... Now I am twenty-three...
    "My fair lady! How could a noble family exclude their own daughter... over a simple argument?" He took out a hankerchief out of his coat pocket, and dabbed it lightly under my eyes.
    "T-thank you, entirely..." I smiled, "I really don't like to complain, but you were curious..."
    "I'd listen to honesty, but I can see whom is not speaking the truth or not..."
    "Does it seem like I lie to you, M'lord?" My whisper carried into his ears, but I thought I had been to quiet.
    "Of course not, my fair lady."
    I contemplated for a moment, thinking that I might have complained quite enough. I honestly didn't want the young Lord's first impression of me to be a whiner.
    "M'lord, pardon me, for I am a fool..."
    "You are no fool, M'lady. You just need to...to collect your thoughts. That's all."
    "Thoughts...I wish my thoughts could broaden- my life, so very depressing... My depression ruins my imagination. Oh young Lord Xavier, how can I go on..." I sighed.
    "I can assure you that, by tomorrow morning, you will not be alone in this cellar. For i make the laws and regulations, the peace and justice... To let the country know that it's soon to be royal noble family is a joke? How pitiful! A disgrace to our country! Our last Lords have done us all well, but it is my time to rein- my path to excellence. I will NOT allow you, of all people, to suffer a shunned life. Your family may not come to terms with me, but if they do not, I will take you along to another noble home. M'lady, Sara, if anyone is to pester or hurt you- I beg you to send Justin upon me. I will find you, protect your soul, heart and head- Nobody shall hurt you ever again. I will not permit it!" His statements sounded dream-like, and of high class.
    "I agree. Thank you for your care, M'lord," Biting my bottom lip, begging to cry, the lord grimaced, and I lost eye contact.
    He put his hand on my cheek and whispered, "It'll be a Lords promise. Evening, love."