• The concert was filled with roaring fans. Yelling the name impatiently, chanting "we want Linkin park!". and I was smack down in all the excitement. Micheal was next to me throwing his hands up chanting with the crowed. He looked like a little kid waiting for Santa clause to come out in the mall, enjoying himself very much. The announcer came to the microphone and announced the opening act. Not wanting to watch the opening act, I pulled Micheal at my level only 5'7 and dragged him with me to the concession stand. I was in complete focus on what kind of snack that I wanted. When a gentle hand rested on my shoulder.
    "May I help you?" I asked ruefully. I turned around totally surprise to see Jake and Raphael staring at me, holding each others hands.
    "Jake what in the world are you doing here?" I got the sense of jealousy again.
    "Raphael had an extra ticket, so she invited me, since after all I'm her boyfriend and all." Jake said this sentence like it was intended to make me feel horrible.
    "You two are going out?" I was in total jealousy mode that at any given moment I would have socked Raphael there, and ruin that pretty face of hers. But Micheal came right up and interrupted every one of my horrible thoughts.
    "Hey Jake, hi Raphael" Micheal seemed ok with the interference.
    I tried escaping this little gathering of ours. I couldn't stand Jake holding hands with the "witch" and the fact that my best friend was talking to him. That traitor, I thought.

    I walked to a little bench by a bathroom not far from Jake, Micheal, and Raphael, but it was far enough not to hear them. I sat down with my hands in my face and I can feel the tears rushing. Why did I have to feel this pain?
    "Sam why are you crying?" It was Micheal. Dang why did he have to come?
    "I'm fine, please just leave me alone." I really didn't want to talk to Micheal at the moment.
    "What no punch in the guts this time?" I look up to Micheal, he was smiling. which I had to admit, that made me feel better. "whats wrong? you can tell me. After all I am your best friend."
    "I love Jake" I blurted out in one big slur, looking away from what I thought he would have given me a glare.
    "Oh." was all Micheal said.
    "Oh? Is that all you have to say about it?" I was expecting a different response. I wanted more than what Micheal was giving me.
    "Well I guess I kind of have known that for a while. but......." For some reason, his face grew red.
    "But what?" I hate it when people don't finish up their sentences.
    "But I was hoping you really didn't like him, and I was wrong." His face was a brighter red than before.
    "what? why?" guys are so confusing sometimes.
    "Its nothing. Just lets go back to the concert." Micheal walked off, and started for our seats.

    Although he told me to just forget about it, there was something he wasn't telling me.