• It was now a year and I met two girls that shared a room with me. Faith and Claira we hung out a lot but, one day Faith declared a meeting an told us that she was running away and asked us to come too, we said no but, Faith found a home with a hunter and liver happily ever after. But me and Claira me a new child that moved in Wilow, how pretty she was but was here, how come?
    Every so often me and Zack would hang out. But now Zack will forget me and move on he was now 15. A lovley family John kelson and Lisa Kelson came and took Zack away from our orphanage . People came and went but none chose me NO ONE I ment it. But, once I saw the Armlin Family I knew they wanted me they came over to me pointe me out everything! They interviewed me and loved me, goodbye orphanage, goodbye!