• love is permanent:please put this on your pro if yew love someone!!

    We both look at each other.

    You say something i cant understand.

    I get really frustrated.

    We look at each other for a long time...

    We both remembering how we met..

    Long time ago...

    I was sitting in the wet grass, at towns.

    Waiting for something to happen.

    As i was sitting i saw a shadow.

    A boy was standing behind me.

    i looked up, scared.

    saying the word "please don't hurt me"

    you said hi, i said hi too.Scared.

    You sat right beside me and i never notice when it was coming.

    But all i felt was your cold lips against mine.

    I didn't know what was going on but when i noticed yew were there.

    Sitting, waiting for something.

    I notice you were hiding something very dark in your heart.

    I wanted to know, but you wouldn't let me get closer.

    Every time i tried to touch you, you would back away.

    Every time i would look at you, you would look away, then i would look away, then yew would look at me back....

    The night fall came, as i looked away, then looked back, yew were gone.

    I searched for you, i never found you.

    Then i heard you, a sound so evil,and hurting...

    I found you as this strange beast...

    Never before seen.

    I ran, and ran but i could never look away....

    You looked back, i tripped and you picked me up.

    i saw those same innocent eyes of yours.

    They touched my heart.....

    The last thing i heard was " i'm sorry"

    And that kiss....it was so tense it scared me....would it be the last kiss?


    Something a girl nor none will ever forget.

    Love at first sight.

    Even if you r away, or he is away.

    he/she will always be in your heart.

    you will never forget and will never be possible to forget those innocent cute eyes,and that face that gorgeous face, never before and too beautiful for the human eye.

    "Don't hurt me anymore please"

    thanks =^_^= by: amalia pena- xxii may iixx