• Once upon an age of mystery there was a prince who lived by the name Johnny. He was the curious type that wondered about a lot. Like when was the earth actually made or who is this god person anyway. But what puzzled him most was, what is my purpose in life?...

    Johnny never dared to set foot out of a home of some sort. No one knew why, in fact, no one wanted to know why. He was a lonely type of person, you see, no one liked him, he had no friends… When I say no friends I meant no proper friends, because, he did have one person he liked to call a friend. He was a man that claimed he was from the future, he never spoke a word, never did anything but hold a piece of cardboard in his hand saying a different sentence every time he switched it. He always had a song written down on the cardboard, every time it ended with the words “Johnny the horse was kicked to death, he died for entertainment…” That was what Johnny wanted to find out, what could this mean...

    Years later when he was in his middle age, the man from the future was gone. It turned out that he was found hung on a tree by the bay of wits. And that was what made him change, Johnny decided to find out his purpose in life for himself. He walked out onto the street. People just stared at him, amazed… He actually walking on solid ground for the first time. A day later it was a day they liked to call “play day” when all the children came out and played on the streets. They looked and pointed at him whilst laughing. This was because he was still getting used to walking and he did more of a trot than a walk…
    They all started chanting
    “ Johnny the horse! Johnny the horse!”.
    A day later he started of on his journey and he couldn’t look back, there was to much pain pouring into his heart. Through rain and snow he carried on until… One day in the winter. He had found it, wits bay, at last.

    He searched around the bay looking for signs, signs of his purpose. He could find nothing. He thought his life was just pointless and went to lay down. But when he did, he found a note. It read: your curiosity will end here…
    He was practically dead. He limped to the shore and shouted out whilst weeping
    He fell down to his knees, the breeze nearly hitting him over. Then suddenly…

    He saw his whole life go by through his very own eyes in a flash. That was it, it was clear now! What the man wrote, it all made sense… It wasn’t what he wanted but it was the truth. He was kicked to death by himself… His own feelings were killing him by the second… All that time he spent trying to find out almost felt like a second of pain all of a sudden…He took his battered bones and his broken dreams to reigns park at sun set… He laid down, for he knew, this was where it was going to end, his life gone in a flash… Suddenly the spirit of the man from the future came down and stood next to him. Johnny struggled to faintly look back at him. As the spirit put his hand over Johnny’s eyes as they closed.
    That was the tale of the prince, you may not like the truth but, you just have to stick with it when you hear or see it, there’s no turning back…