Legacy of Kain Kains revenge. Part 2. Aaaaaaaaaaannnnnnnnnnnnd ACTION!
Kain arived at the vampire camp. Not a soul in sight to be found. "I know your there. The vampires all jumped out wielding weapons and baring there fangs. The took a good look at Kain and threw down there arms. "We are sorry sir. We suspected a vampire hunter." Said the leader of the group. A strange feeling came over kain as he scoped over the area. A feeling as if some one was watching him. "Were can i find the Hyldon mothership?" Kain asked violently. "We do not know. We do not dare venture far from sancuary." Kain was disgusted. "Real vampires do not care about sancuary! real vampires kill our enemies instead of hiding!" The vampires all took a step back from kain. Kain drew the soulreaver in anger. He grabed the leader with his telekenetik powers and held the bade agianst his neck. "Tell me what you know..." said Kain.
"Go down that road. It will lead you to a city. There is a market there. Look for Keiser. He should help you." Kain tossed him down to the ground and walked away. "Very good Kain. Good way to make friends and allies." said a voice behind him. It was a fimilar voice. "Whos there...... show your self." Kain turned in a full circle and the voice spoke again. "Do you not reconize the voice of your own child? It is me. Raziel!" Kains eyes widen then Kain turned around again. "W-were are you?" Said kain grasping the soulreaver. "Right in your hand." Kain looked down and looked at the reaver. Its eyes glowed blue-ish white like raziels. "How is this..." Kain was interupted by Raziel. "Possible? well i do not know completely but still the vampir lord kain still cant get rid of me. Now lets continue if you want to seek your revenge you cant just stand here talking to a sword now can you?" Kain placed the reaver onto his back and said while walking "I guess not."
End of part 2.
Next time on Legacy of kain kains revenge.... *shows clips of the next part* Next time!
Legacy of Kain KR part 2
A continuation of the game part 2.
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