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    My mother was mudered, my father abadoned me, and i really want a taco. But nooo i got a burrito instead . Stupid delivery system. Noel got she wanted ( nachos btw) I called her fat and she threated to show the 4kids version of one peice. Me and Nick couldn't take the chances.
    So i guess me and my bean burrito are one. Together we can clear a room.
    I went to go watch the plasma but all the shows today are @#%&?! .I went to the fridge to get some O.J. , put him back and got some orange juice. Times like these I wish i had a taco.
    Janice is just drinking her tea, while it's hot in SoCa.
    Nick is worrying about gas prices when he's rich
    Noel is doing her WWII in the summer
    I was like wtf , then she was all like omg, the i was like " Of Course it's the 1940s, cans were recycleable, ALL MEN WEAR HATS! ( what gives?)
    I just need to face facts ,
    ineed a life,
    or a taco , what ever comes first

    end o' portion