• A girl once wished she has magical powers like a witch she tried wishing the same thing three times but only got nothing.The next day She went to the shed with her dad.She was helping her dad clean the shed while she was sweeping the floor her dad told her that she shall wait for him and touch nothing.He went inside the house to get some water and soap while he was gone she touched nothing but the broom she was holding then something caught her eye........
    It was a spell book from a far away land well that's what she thinks she opened it and fairy dust flew out of the book and sprinkled her some then suddenly she wasn't in the shed anymore she was somewhere she hadn't been before or any human being.The place was full of flying witches and mad scientists testing out some formulas and potions.There was also an elf and fairies flittering in the shiny sparkling red mysterious sky.There was especially a dinosaur which had no problem getting seen.The dragon has shiny silver green scales and a red bubblying hot fire shooting out of it's nose.Along came a princess walking straight at her she suddenly felt scared but the princess said,"don't be afraid i'm a friend welcome to the fiction world where you can see some fiction things with your own eye your first human being that went in fiction world my name is Priscella and i'm gonna be your guide at least until you know every single spot here in fiction world is that okay with you?"