• Carly knelt in the dark tunnel, she felt so close to freedom she could taste it, but she didn't know how far she actually was. Her knees were bruised and scraped, her hair matted and dirty, and her clothes ripped. She had no food or water, the air was still, silent, and smelled of mold. She fumbled with the match, it lit, and she caught a glimpse of what lied ahead. The tunnel seemed to go on forever, up a slight slope, but she never reached what she thought would be the surface. The match sputtered and went out, so she continued. She crawled for hours before she found it.
    my imagination is playing tricks on me she thought when she first caught a glimpse of the light, she couldn't help but let a sliver of hope spring up inside her. She crawled faster, ignoring the fact that her knees were covered in blood. She glimpsed it again, it seemed to be moving away from her, so she sped up again. Her breath came in gasps as the last of her energy dwindled. She didn't feel herself falling, couldn't tell when her consciousness disappeared. All she felt was the dream.
    She was laying in the grass, wearing a white dress. The smell was amazing, birds and flowers and many other smells she didn't recognize. She wasn't wearing her glasses, and yet she could see perfectly the sky, the clouds floating like motorless boats on a lazy river. She heard running water and decided to investigate. The damp spring grass felt amazing on her scraped and bruised feet. She came to a small brook and realized that she hadn't bathed for days, so she lie down, letting the water cover her. It was cold, but only slightly. Her face needed washing so she splashed the clear perfect water on it. She lie down a second time, allowing her face to be submerged. A sound startled her, a twig snapping. She looked up to see what it was-
    "AAAAAHHHHHH"She screamed.

    Carly woke with a start, covered in sweat. She smelled the dank air and remembered her mission. I must keep going she thought. After an hour of slow going, Carly saw the light again, this time stationary. She crawled towards it and found a lantern. She used the light from it to survey her surroundings and wasn't surprised. She found that the tunnel was just the same as she thought, rough, dirty, and empty except for-

    OH NO.