• Beside me, people are laughing and talking,laptops in their laps and coffee in their hands.
    The steam of my chocolate coffee warms my face and melts the snow on my wrists.
    On a warm plate sitting on a red table,
    Is two slices of raspberry-orange bread.
    The fruity sweetness is delicious.
    I can hear the bell adorned with red and green ribbons ringing as another customer comes inside.
    And i shiver as a cold rush of icy air slips through.
    Once i have finished my coffee and bread,i decide it's time to go.
    I sigh and pick up my book,which i swear to read later,even though i know I'll just be lazy and forget it.
    I smile and easily put on my coat and go through the door,bracing myself for the snowy wind to hit me.
    And then I'm gone.