• My name is Kathy Mary Marie. I have been in coma for about a year. Not only has it ruined my life but it has the also the people around me. I gained this horrid sleep on the best day of my life.
    I was walking home from my bus stop; it was my seventeenth birthday. And my best friend Kyle was walking with me. He was my neighbor; so he would always walk me home and then go to his house next to mine. Truthfully, I have always loved him.
    Our rooms were both on the first level of our houses, and they faced each other; only separated by a lose fence board.
    My parents were known for their annoying loud fights, and one time when I was thirteen it was one of their worst fights. So I opened the window that was in my room and climbed out it. I opened the lose fence board and walked over on to the Spencer’s property. I walked over to Kyle’s window and knocked so lightly on it. It seemed to get his attention, because the next thing I knew was his light was immediately on. Then his blinds opened. He had been trying to sleep. I could tell by the blackish bags under his eyes and his medium long hair was a mess. A brown, beautiful mess. He had only shorts on, showing off his six-pack. And the muscles flexed as he opened his window to see it was I, crying my eyes out.
    “Oh my god! Kathy what happened? Why are you crying?” He asked me, as the tears didn’t stop flowing.