"Oh, my gosh, you stupid a**!"I yelled at David."Dude, chill out.I'm sorry, gosh." He picked up my cell phone."If it's broken, you're buying me a new phone,"I threatened.I held down the power switch.My text messages popped up."You're lucky."I said."I know I am." He laughed."Shut up, David. I will hurt you, you a**."I was not in a god mood today.Plus, the two hours of sleep probably didn't help either."Jaden, don't be like that!"David begged."Maybe, David, if you would have let me get some sleep last night, I wouldn't be so bitchy."I spit."You fell asleep on me, J. How would you know?"He laughed without humor. "Whatever. It doesn't change the fact that I'm tired as hell."I yawned, unvolitarily, to proove it."Sorry, Jaden."He hugged my shoulders."I guess it's not all your fault.It's some of Jessica's too.And Garett.More theirs than yours."I shoved my hand in my back pocket to get my car keys."Want a ride?"I asked him. It would spare him from the bus."Sure, thanks, J."He stepped in my car."David! David!" Two of the most stupid, annoying girls at Welsh Conners High School, called. "Yes, Lacey and Rainee?"He sighed. He hated them, too. "Do you have a date to the dance?"They sqeaked."Yeah, sorry!"He called, and hid in the safety of my car, for rain began to fall. "Oh, Davey has a date!" This was no surprise-he always had one-but he never usually went to dances."Ha! Yeah, 'cause I'm a dancing fool.No, I just said that so they would go away."He laughed at his joke."Nice.I've actually never seen you dance.Like seriuosly dancing, not your retard dancing."I chuckled."Well, I don't think you ever will."He grinned."Oh, I will.Even if I have to stalk you."
"Wow, Jaden.You're a stalker?"
"You bet'cha, baby."I winked, and started the car. We skidded out of the lot, and he was silent. "David, I know something's on your, mind."I finally said.
"No, there is not."He disagreed. "Fine, then. We can sit here all night."
I stopped the car." You're gonna kill us!" David yelled."Tell me then."I said.
"Fine, I was going to ask you to the dance, but then I got all nervous, and I'm not usually this shy, and-"
"Okay, calm down. I will go with you. And you always flirt. What made you so shy?"
"I don't know, that's the thing. You make me feel different than anyone else."
Death's Kiss 1
Um boredomness...?
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