• Michelle drifted off into the frozen night air. Her body was curled and mangled, but her soul was still beautiful, and now that it was free of it’s concrete container traveled past the clouds and stars to heaven. As she swirls of clouds came into view and the bright light that could be seen from light-years away. She floated over the platform and landed on the extremely comfortable tiled ground in front of white yet colorful gates. She was in awe as everything was so much clearer then it ever had been on earth. The light was blinding, but did not hurt her eyes and the ground was firm bet could never hurt your feet. This place was the most fantastic she’d ever seen.
    Michelle walked to the gates and looked on a handsome, olive skinned man with the most glorious white wings, flowing off his back and out of his brown robes that were neatly tied with silvery ropes that glistened almost as much as his deep brown eyes. “Hello.” She said in a language she did not know, but that she understood as if it were the English she’d spoken her whole life.
    “Welcome Michelle.” The man said in the same strange language reading off a list of names. “I am Peter. You must be confused. Your guide, Bo-aner'ges, will explain all, in time.” He promised opening the gates to her and waving her in. She stepped onto the ground before that sparkled like gold. She couldn’t help but smile at the perfection around her.
    “Hey, you!” an old voice called out. He also had olive skin but his wings were tangled and unkempt. He looked almost dirty, or as dirty as one could in heaven. He was smiling with a mouth full of twisted and gnarled teeth. She almost though she had been confused and she was in fact in hell, after all she had always disliked spending time with the elderly.
    “Bo-aner'ges?” She asked tentatively hoping she was wrong, but assuming she was not.
    “You got it sweetie!” He said killing her head overly happily.
    “Great,” She said trying to sound pleased. “Where to first.
    “Well I was thinking your house.” He offered and at the she perked up immediately. She got a mansion, like all the rest.
    “OK!” She said walking in. Passing all the mansions was beautiful as she thought over what could come out as hers. They varied in size and color, but they were all glorious. Finally they got to hers and she walked in the door. “Mine?” She asked before Bo-aner'ges nodded happily. She walked in to see an empty shell, no bed, no food, not that she needed it, but there were a lot of people. She looked at Bo-aner'ges confused; it was nothing like she had thought.
    “True treasures are not possessions but the people you love and who loved you.” He explained before taking her through the crowd to see not only people, but also pets. Then there was a hole, which Bo-aner'ges pulled her back from before she fell through it. “To look down on those who love you and are not here yet.” He said looking down on her family and friends, she could see them all so clearly, even though they all lived so far apart, they all seemed only a block away and she could see them all.
    “Thank you.” She said hugging him, something she never thought she’d do.
    “Hey we’re not done yet!” he said pulling her off back out and down streets and alleyways to the biggest and best of the houses. Past that there was a small house that was worn and tired looking. Quietly an old looking woman with clouded eyes sat in the chair. Her white hair was a glorious match to her pink and wrinkly skin. It was odd, she was one of only 2 elderly people she’d seen here; though many of the people in her house had died of old age. Bo-aner'ges pulled her down into a kneel where she noticed the two young men next to the old woman. “Welcome Bo-aner'ges, Michelle” The three said at once yet in different tones. It was an odd feeling around her. She didn’t know what to feel, but every part of her body screamed at her to be reverent yet to jump up and dance and sing. This was God, it had to be, the Holy Trinity.
    “Hello, father.” He said grinning up at the three.
    “H-hello.” She said meekly after Bo-aner'ges
    “Fear not child,” They said “We have sent for you so we may welcome you now.” They all said with warm smiles at the two men walked to her. She had not noticed walking in but one of the two almost identical men was semi transparent. She assumed that would make him the Holy Spirit. They gently took an arm and she was compelled to stand and walk with them. She stood and they took her to the old woman, God. “Bo-aner’ges, She has not chosen her way,” they said looking at him before smiling back at her. “You have been chosen for a grand will, even beyond life.” She said making Michelle fill with excitement and happiness. “I will meet you at the end.” The trinity said and in a flash of darkness the three were gone.
    “Well you heard their Greatnesses, We have to go.” Bo-aner’ges said fluttering to his feet with his tattered wings and taking her off to a set of caves. “Come on deary!” His old voice croaked as they walked into the dark entrance. When they entered they were met with two cave shoots. One filled with flames, yet they had no fuel, the other with water raining down, but no clouds to cause it. “Here’s your choice, fire or water!” Bo-aner’ges said pointing to each in time.
    Michelle stood for a moment, she didn’t know what to pick. She was afraid of the fire, but the water looked far too pleasing. What if this was a test? What if she was to be a coward if she walked through the water, but what if she was to be sent away for pride for walking through the flames? There was so much she had to contemplate before she could choose. Moments flew by like seconds and after a few minutes Bo-aner’ges got impatient. “The trinity has put their will into your soul form both! Don’t think, just choose!” He ordered impatiently.
    She looked at him and his old face nodded consolingly. She closed her eyes and walked where her feet lead her. “Lord, be a lamp unto my feet, and a light unto my path.” She quoted as she walked into the flames and opened her eyes. They didn’t burn her skin like she feared, quite the opposite, they felt like a warm and consolingly loving caresses on her arms, legs, face and even stomach. She smiled and reveled in the touch as she gained the courage to walk out into the light again. She looked down to see the flames disappearing to reveal a new set of cloths. She looked up to see the Trinity and Bo-aner’ges.
    “Good choice!” She said nodding to her with a huge smile. God handed him a book, but she no longer looked old, her white hair had turned long, brown, and silky and her wrinkles had disappeared to reveal glorious crème colored skin. Her eyes went form milky and clouded to a pure, pricing blue that made Michelle’s own green eyes, that were so envied on earth, pale in comparison. She was awed at the woman’s beauty before she was pulled back to her now very loved guide Bo-aner’ges who handed her a book.
    “The Holy Bible.” She read. She was happy but confused. Pulling one hand away she said “Shouldn’t there be a lot of these here?” Before she realized what was happening however the book changed into a sword. She took it in both hands again and saw ‘TRUTH’ inscribed in big letters with a beep sapphire stone just above the hilt. The stone reminded her of something, she looked up to see a similar purple stone on a gold chain around Bo-aner’ges’s neck and color and shape changing ones in different places on the trinity.
    “Blue, a respectable color!” Bo-aner’ges stated looking at the trinity then back to the sword.
    “Time to retune to us John.” The trinity said before Bo-aner’ges looked let down.
    “But I like this form.” He said before bowing. “Yes Jesus!” He said as the trinity waved their hands in unison and before them knelt a tall, handsome man with olive skin, like Jesus and Peter.
    “Wait, you’re Bo-aner’ges like the ‘Sons of Thunder’ Bo-aner’ges? Like Andrew and John sons of Zebedee and apostles of Jesus?” Michelle exclaimed amazed. Suddenly a loud crash of thunder, like a crowd of millions stood sounded. She turned to see two men at the front one was blond with a green stone decorating his belt and 12 stones of different colors on his chest plate, as did the other but he was a taller man with black hair that was longer and with a red stone in a crown on his head. She looked to see that she had the same set of stones on her cloths. The Trinity speaking pulled her back. “These are my commanders Gabriel and Raphael.” They said pointing to each in time. “Welcome to the ranks of the warrior angels, protectors of heaven and fighters in the wars against the Evil one and his armies. If you are curious speak.” They said before she could state what was on her mind.
    Since she noticed the different stones around her she had wondered something. “Just one thing Yahweh,” She started “What do the stones mea?” She asked confused.
    “That you will learn.” They said before they left and John came, hugged her as the others left.
    “Welcome to Heaven.” He said with a wink before flying off at unimaginable speeds.
    “Wait, I thought saints didn’t get wings.” She muttered to herself before sighting and walking off back to her mansion, her new home, true Heaven.