• Chapter 1 – Where It All Begins
    The wind blew through the trees, sending the soft noise of leaves rustling through the forest. Crouched in one tree was a girl, red hair blowing gently over face. After the third time of brushing the windswept hair out of her emerald eyes she ran her thin pale fingers through her red locks, pulling it loosely into a ponytail. She wrapped an elastic band from her right wrist twice round the long pulled back hair. The wind still moved her hair, but it no longer bothered the girl. She dropped her arms down, resting them lightly on her bent knees and cast her eyes back to the ground. She placed her right hand on the left hand sword of the two she carries on her back and counted in her head.
    Snap. Followed shortly by a scream rang through the forest. The Girl grinned and somersaulted down from the branch, drawing her sword as she jumped.
    “MADDY JONES!” The girl’s name was yelled from the pathetic looking little man hanging from a thick tree branch by his left ankle. “Let me down this instant!” he continued.
    “Alright! Alright! Jeez! Anyone would think you are in trouble Lucas.” Maddy’s voice dripped with sarcasm.
    “Shhhhhhhhhh, don’t say my name!”
    “More paranoia theories?” Maddy giggled.
    “No. This time they really are after me.” Lucas replied his voice coated with panic.
    “And who would they be?” Maddy asked cutting the thin rope on Lucas’ ankle, who landed on the dry muddy ground with a soft thud. “Demons? I have news for you Lucas...we are the demons!” Maddy grinned evilly.
    “Well technically, Miss Jones, we are the demons and you just live in the forest of demons. Why I cannot comprehend. You are an elf. A creature of light...”
    “Who has lived all her life with humans.” Maddy interrupted “Who are both Good and bad. I have been banned from living with the elves. Trust me Lucas; living here is better than living in the human realm.” Maddy offered her hand to the wolf demon cub on the floor. Lucas gladly accepted the offered hand and, with help, clamoured to his feet. “Anyway, who’s after you this time Lucas?”
    Lucas shuddered. “The You Know Who siblings.” Maddy cringed at the thought of the brother and sister, notorious through all the realms...not just because their ruthless reputation but also because of their father...Lucifer himself. “How did you manage to piss them off?” Maddy asked. Lucas grinned and held up a small sliver chain with a small tear dropped emerald charm on it. “For you my dear.”
    “My necklace! You just pissed off two of the most powerful demons ever to return my necklace?”
    “Well yes. I know how important it is to you.” Lucas replied, his ears twitching slightly and his tail swaying softly from side to side. Maddy swung her muscley arms around the thin figure in front of her. Lucas flushed a deep shade of red. “Wait a minute Mr. Ineverdoanythingforfree what’s the catch?” Maddy asked, breaking the hug off.
    “No catch, I promise.”
    “Hmmm.” Maddy looked at him sceptically.
    “Okay! You’ve twisted my arm; I want you to train me. Please?” Lucas looked at Maddy with puppy dog eyes. Maddy laughed. “Fine I’ll train you!” Lucas’ ear’s twitched behind him, a second or two later, Maddy also heard what he was hearing. If Maddy had been full human it would have taken her longer to hear it, but the snapping of twigs underfoot was clear to her. She grabbed hold of Lucas’ hand, causing him to go an even deeper shade of red, and began to run. Glancing over her shoulder she saw two silhouettes, almost angelic in shape, except the dark auras, the shredded wings, littering feathers as the two stalked, and the horns. Maddy felt a shudder make its way to the base of her spine and back up.