• A destoryed plant Cybertron left a helpless foal in grave danger. Blurr hears the foal's beloved cries and hurries to save her. Knowing that a air breathing animal in space means that it harnesses special powers. Closer and closer he got to the foal the louder the crys were. Under heavey fire Hotshot runs to back Blurr up. "Blurr I got your back!" Hotshot shouted. Blurr nodded and kept running. Within a few seconds an explosion happend very close to the foal. Under the watchful eye of Optimus Prime, Blurr and Hotshot moved closer to the foal. "Blurr just go I can hold them off. Get the foal!" Hotshot shouted
    (Memory faded)

    "Hey Casper. How about so food?" Carlos said. After Casper has been saved by Blurr she has became close to him. Now that Casper is a full grown horse nothing can change their bond (Casper never changes). "There ya go Casper." Carlos said patting her head. With out saying Carlos walked off and Casper began to eat her oats. An alarm sounded which ment a new Mini-con was activated. This time Casper had felt the awakening long before. Casper ran out of her stall to prepare for the mission. "Casper you seem oddly hyper. What's got into you? Maybe those oats Carlos gave you." Blurr said. Optimus Prime, Blurr, Hotshot, Red Alert, Smoke Screen, Scavenger, Brade, Carlos, Alexis, Billy, and Freddie got ready to go. "Hurry and load up Casper." Optimus Prime said. Casper was loaded up and ready to go. "LAUNCH!" Optimus Prime said.

    Out in a rural canyon was a Mini-con, somewhere. "Okay men we are going to move out. Together." Optimus Prime said. Casper was unloaded. Oddly she wanted to go out and look for it herself. "Hey has anyone seen Casper?" Blurr noticed after 30minutes of looking. "What are you saying? That she is missing?" Hotshot said. "This is great now that trouble maker is going to either get hurt badly or worse." Over where Casper was she knew what she was doing. Casper was able to turn into any animal that could get the job done. Casper being a Mountian Lion climbed down the dangerous cliff. She knew where the Mini-con was, but not where the Decepticons were. She kept a careful eye out for them. Able to touch the ground now, Casper turned back into her normal form (a horse) and galloped off down the Canyon. Unawear of the Decepticons ahead setting a trap for her she listend over the sound of her pounding hooves echoing around the Canyon.

    "I hear something I hear something!" Cyclonus happily shouted. "Get ready boys because here she comes!" Aiming their weapons at a cliff at the oppisite side. "Ready, Aim, FIRE!" Cyclonus shouted. Casper saw and heard the cliff get shot at and soon they were falling. Back where Blurr and the others were. "Did you here that?" Blurr said before anyone responded Blurr transformed and headed in the direction of the noise. Casper surprised as ever was looking at the falling rocks "Oh no! I'm gonna die! Ugh this so cheats my rule book!" She said to herself. "CASPER!" Blurr shouted jumping to protect her. Blurr transformed into his car mode "Get in!" He shouted. Casper startled turned herself into a Mountian Lion and ran into the car. Rocks fell on top of Blurr but a huge boulder fell on the front end of his car form. "Blurr? Blurr?" Casper said (meowing of course).

    Casper woke up in her stall back at the base. She walked out of her stall and over heard the team bickering. "It's Casper's fault that Blurr got injured!" Alexis shouted "I mean if she stayed with us then Blurr wouldn't get hurt." in anger Alexis threw her arms up in a wild rage. "Alexis is right. Casper did cause the injury to Blurr and-" Brade got cut off by Blurr "No it's not her fault. She grew up with me. Yes a trouble maker but she didn't hear that. She is ment to detect the Mini-cons." Blurr said "So blame her if you want, but that wont change it at all. Alexis cooled off but went back to her wild rage. "Stop protecting her Blurr! It was wrong to let her join this team. She's pure evil! I tell you." Alexis shouted. Casper heard enough. She walked in and snorted at Alexis. "Casper! Were you listening to us?" Alexis shouted. Casper ears pined back. She snorted at Alexis and galloped away. If Casper could cry she would. "Nice going Alexis." Hotshot said.