• I do not know what's going on.

    Everything I had...gone. All my dreams...demolished. But, hey, I guess I better tell my story...from the beginning of the story.

    See, I'm nothing unusual. Nothing special. Heck, I'm hardly even someone you'd bother saying "hi" to in the hallways at school, so I have no idea why I was picked and why this is happening.

    Sarah Spillkums...she was probably my closest friend, if not my only friend. And the nicest person in the world, I might add. I mean, anyone who can bear to be best buds with the freckled face, oily and curly (crazy) haired, and probably the most obnoxious voiced kid in the school is what I might consider heavenly.

    So, yeah, I guess I'm ranting now, huh? Really, I'm just stalling the true intro. Because I have no idea how to start this story. So are you ready? Are you PUMPED?

    So, I was hanging with Sarah, but don't get our relationship wrong. We were just friends. Not in my wildest dreams will I ever take the posistion of "boyfriend".

    Oh boy. There I go ranting again. Ok, honestly. I don't want to make any of you click that "Skip" button up there, so I better get to the story quick.

    We were talking about our homework, our group project more precisely. Planning it, who does what, stuff like that. Suddenly, Sarah whispered softly,

    "D'you see that guy behind us? He's been following us ever since we left school." It was true. Scary guy back there had been stalking us since we got out of the building.


    But I'm not exaggerating when I say that I experienced something much more odd after that. I was going to have to get used to that.

    You see, I had turned around to have my second glance at our unwelcomed guest. But he was gone.

    Gone...probably meaning he wasn't a stalker, and he took a different path than us.

    I turned my head towards Sarah, only to figure something else out. Someone else was gone. And I hardly think I need to say who, but for you slower people out there, the person who was missing was...

    Sarah Spillkum.

    "Sarah! Saraaaah!" I screeched, twisting my body and glancing back and forth. I was expecting her to say something like "I'm right here, you nim-wit" But no such reply came, and I continued,

    "Stop joking! I-it's not funny!" Because I knew she was somewhere, laughing behind a bush or something.

    "I don't think she's joking," said a voice behind me. I whipped around, finding myself face to face with the stalker guy. Where'd he come from?

    "In fact," he continued, "I wasn't aware that dead people could joke. But maybe that's just me."