• Delilah ran through the rain and mud trying to catch up to deidara and sheno,"common dei hold on just a little longer" she thought fighting to save her lovers life.

    dei's side of the story.

    As i stared in his eyes all they held was rejection and hatred for my wonderous art,it got me angry *the little brat all he thinks is about his glory* i thought. I reached for my clay with one hand and my scare with the other,"he he hahaha you think this is a game,i...ill show you,im gonna send fear in your eyes" i said so manically it scared my inner self, i wanted to curl up in a ball and cry till my eyes bled,to just shut the world out and get scared like the little kid i was. I reached out for hands when i was little,but no one would take them. I tore out the stichings and apperd a mouth on my chest, and it hurt real bad i slide my hugde lump of clay inside of it and got prepared for the worst to come "NOW SHOW ME YOUR FEAR" i shoughted "show me your fear,cry like a lost child" i chanted,then i heard a vioce that was like an angel had called m, a sweet sweet vioce that screamed my name. . .it was delilah.

    "Deidara deidara!" delilah shoughted "no no please dont" "i gave her one last look a look of pain and suffering for her,i didnt want to hurt her,and now she'll be alone because of me im such a idiot "im sorry" was all i was able to wisper to her befor i felt a tearing in my stoumach,sheno stabbed me.
    I'm sorry delilah im sorry it's all my fault and with this i leave my heart to you. "It'll be hell with out you".