• Ephraim awoke in a daze. He soon realized he was in a dark room. The smell of mildew hung in the air. The only source of light was coming from a small window high up on a wall. He tried standing, only to realize that he was tied to a chair. Hundreds of thoughts ran through his head before he finally realized what had happened. "Right." Ephraim thought. "That Reign guy drugged me. Firebrand my a**, what the hell was in that drink? Regardless, I'm trapped here with no way out. I better think of something fast." After what seemed to Ephraim like an hour, the steel door in front of him slowly opened. Through the doorway walked Reign. "Ah, the little prince is finally awake. I guess Sam put a little too much kick in your drink." Reign said. Ephraim glared at him with a deadly look. Reign laughed. "Oh please, you can't try anything without this thing, can you?" Reign said, pulling Glorie from behind him. Ephraim was shocked, not realizing until now that it wasn't on his person. Reign looked at him with a cold stare. "Tell me, do you remember me?" Reign said. Ephraim simply gave him a blank stare. "Ah, you'll realize it eventually." Reign replied.

    "I must say, this sword is quite heavy, though I guess to you it must weigh practically nothing." Reign commented. "What do you want with me?" Ephraim asked. Reign sighed and shook his head disapprovingly. "And here I thought a prince would be more knowledgeable. I told you before, you don't want to get wrapped up in the business at the bazaar. I'm simply trying to prevent that. Getting rid of this sword will only help my plans." Reign explained. Ephraim still stared at him with a puzzled expression. Reign groaned and explained further. " The Voices shall descend upon their Chosen and reveal unto Him the inner workings of the world. That's part of the prophecy. You've already been visited by Wisdom and changed history, have you not? I miss all the sand you know." Ephraim was extremely surprised. "How do you know about Wisdom, who are you?!" Ephraim exclaimed. "You still haven't realized it yet? Seven years... It's been a very long time, so I can't blame you. I'm... sorry. About your father..." Reign said. Ephraim looked Reign in the eye. "You... I know you... Klaus?"

    Reign began clapping and removed the scarf covering his face, revealing the face of the one person Ephraim hated. "Very good little prince, you've figured it out." Ephraim stared in surprise, but rage soon filled his eyes. He began to struggle against his bindings. "KLAUS! YOU b*****d! I'LL KILL YOU! FATHER.. MORAIN... THEY'RE ALL DEAD BECAUSE OF YOU!" Ephraim cried out. Sadness entered Klaus' eyes. "I know... I know. I've always regretted what I did. Alcard was a good friend, but I was too damn blinded by power to stop myself. I was the Arms General of Arcia for 8 years. Then... I messed up. Bad. I'm sorry Ephraim." Klaus said, as a tear began to form in his eye. Ephraim continued to try to break free. "SORRY?! SORRY WON'T BRING ALL MY FRIENDS AND FAMILY BACK!" Ephraim cried. Klaus soon regained his composure and spoke quietly. "About Alcard... There's something you should know. He... wasn't your real father. You're not royalty. You're just a servant's child, taken to claim the throne after Alcard's death." Ephraim's rage grew even more. "LIAR!" Ephraim shrieked. A commotion was soon heard outside the room.

    "What the hell is going on?" Klaus said, moving to the small window on the door to see what was going on. As Ephraim continued to struggle, his wrists now bleeding, he felt the rope binding his hands snap. He leaped out of the chair and struck a blow against Klaus, catching him off-guard. Klaus fell to the floor, his nose bleeding profusely. Ephraim picked him up and began to mercilessly beat him. "You killed my father... You killed Morain... You destroyed my home... YOU'RE NOT GOING TO LIVE!" Ephraim cried as he continuously struck Klaus' face. Ephraim then dropped Klaus, the noises outside getting closer. Ephraim walked over to Glorie and picked it up. He stood over Klaus with the blade drawn. "Please, stop... I'm not the person you think I am anymore... Please don't kill me!" Klaus begged through his blood-drenched his face. Ephraim raised Glorie over his head. "I hope that Satan tortures you in the worst way possible." Ephraim said. As he brought Glorie down, Ricard and Marie broke the door down, surprising Ephraim and causing him to miss his finishing blow, severing Klaus' left arm in the process.

    "Ephraim! Dammit, it's been over a day, we've been looking all over for you and we find you in a bandit's... Dear God, Ephraim, what did you do?!" Ricard exclaimed, noticing the half-dead Klaus lying on the ground. "There's no time!" Marie yelled. "There are still more bandits in here, let's go!" Marie grabbed Ephraim's hand and tried to pull him out , but he struggled against her. "NO! HE HAS TO DIE!" Ephraim yelled through the tears pouring down his face, but with Ricard's help, Ephraim was dragged out of the building. As they ran down the street, Ricard stopped a bystander. "There's a man in there who is extremely injured, he won't last long, hurry and find a doctor!" Ricard shouted, and continued on with Marie and Ephraim to the caravan. After they tossed the still hysterical Ephraim into the wagon, Marie went back into the front and Ricard tried to calm Ephraim down. The caravan rode away from Pharis and back towards Ilyad...