• Here we are, running, running from a faceless entity not actually there. We’re ducking through halls and under low doorways. I see you stumble, but you get back up. A splash of fear hits me. What if we never make it out? What if we are destined to fall short of our victorious escape. I slow my pace; waiting for you to round a corner I just passed. You speed around and almost hit me. Never slowing down you run ahead as I am left to my own devices. I pull myself together and follow after, only to have lost you in the process. Where have you gone? I have several paths in my view, one to the left, another to right, and yet another that leads straight ahead to infinite darkness. I whisper your name; however it may not have been loud enough for you to hear me. I listen as you make no sound. I realize now just how alone I am. There is no one here to rescue me as before, I am stuck with making my own decisions.

    I choose the hallway that leads to the right, for it seems to be the least intimidating of the three. Beyond the initial doorway was nothing but red. The walls, the decor, and even the carpets were stained with a haunting red glow. It was as if this very place was the scene where someone was murdered. Although the color was produced by the outside flicker of skyscraper lights, the color crimson seeped from every corner of the room. It is here that I find you hiding. You look beyond frightened. I take cautious steps towards you, as if you would lash out and attack me. I know that would never happen but the ominous look in your eyes say differently. A look that only seemed to appear in the eyes of a serial killer. I step closer and watch as the light dances in your eyes. What ill will has befallen you in such a short period of time since our separation? Or perhaps, it was there from the start and only noticed it when the red light flashed across your features.

    Your eyes once focused ahead, now shot to me. At this point a shiver runs up my spine. Your gaze seemed to intensify as the milliseconds passed. Suddenly, so suddenly I didn’t have time to blink, you let loose a horrible scream. My whole body tenses to the point of pain as I am forced to be the single audience to something of terror. Your scream fades away with a last fleeting echo in a distant room.

    My legs take new life and once again I find myself running. Running from something I am unsure of, something I do not know of. Through the initial doorway and into the path on the left. I come into a room that’s sole occupant is a large steel door. I try the handle but it doesn’t budge, just as countless others scattered throughout this building. A thought crosses my mind. What if I am not supposed to find an exit? What if there is none? What if I am to spend the rest of my days wandering the labyrinth of this building? I realize now, after wandering hours in the expanse of nothingness, that I am never to find a way out. I finally realize after the fourth time I’ve come across the same three doorway intersection, that I am never to escape this place. It is after the fifth cry from you that I understand the desperation in my situation.

    I fall against a wall and listen to the silence. Something before, I would have loved, but now it’s so loud it burns my ears. The sound of nothing played with my mind and caused an unknown insanity to take over. The futility of wandering became known and I let loose a cry to rival yours. Our voices filling the expanse of darkness, each time one died out, the other took its place. Anything to keep the silence from deafening.