• After Naruto escaped the trap he summoned his clones to protect him while he thinks of a way to immobilize Shiraku . While Shiraku handles the clones with a grand fireball jutsu this evil glare came into his eyes. It was an evil that Naruto has seen before in this very forest, but he cannot remember from who...
    Naruto can feel the the fox pushing him to fight. Kyuubi was more ready for a fight then he has been in a while " Naruto stop hiding behind your clones" yelled shiraku " fine if you don't come out ill just have to destroy them all" while saying this shiraku uses a shadow clone jutsu of his own.
    It surprises naruto because as far as he read shiraku had no knowledge of shadow clone jutsu shirakus clones ripped through narutos outsmarting them and out strengthening them. under the chaos naruto lost track o the real shiraku using a rasengan shurkien jutsu naruto took all of shirakus clones and realized that shiraku was hiding. throwing kunai and shuriken into the air blindly naruto looked crazy and raged.
    Explosions go off everywhere, and narutos idea work, he blew up all of the trees leaving a wreckage and let shiraku standing. naruto starts making hand signs but suddenly shiraku diseappers. suddenly the forest becomes dark and gets colder and colder , then snow starts to fall. shiraku in shorts and a t-shirt is shivering with disbelief shirakus eyes narrow and some type of inner power starts to clear the snow shirakus eyes glow black and suddenly narutos genjutsu is released.
    " I see you" says shiraku spotting naruto in a near by tree naruto uses a jutsu and the wind picks up. its hard to keep his footing but shiraku hold on. " tornado jutsu" yells naruto proudly. soon the wind picks up more and circulates creating a funnel around shiraku.
    Shiraku focuses 100 shadow clones beneath his feet. To pull this jutsu of shiraku has to launch himself 500 feet into the air. he grabs a flying tree and with the momentum he flings himself. the jutsu works and 100 shadow clones spawn in a tornado, they turn into a chain holding the one above by there feet. the bottom clones step into the edge of the funnel and a wicked chain of shirakus whip shiraku out of the tornado having shiraku land on his feet.
    " You've passed 2 of the 3 tests involved with this battle time to see if you can handle my taijutsu" said naruto as he charged at shiraku. naruto starts to run at blinding speeds and is near shiraku in seconds.
    Limbs glowing blue naruto punches and kicks at shiraku. shiraku can barely keep his balance from all of the blows barely avoiding contact. naruto finally backs off and says " Ok its time to end this" . With that he summons 2 clones and charges up a ball in his hand
    " Rasengan" says naruto in a blood lust snarl. Naruto is only inches away from shiraku when a clone leaps out of the bushes and grabs the bell from Narutos waist. Naruto stops to a dad halt. " Well done shiraku you are now a genin of the hidden leaf village"