• Bizarre
    A war in our homeland

    Written by: Erik corradini
    Published by: N/A

    Chapter one
    The Invasion
    Setting: Mike is Inside of Ronin high school in the hallway with a security guard bringing him to Room 109.
    Mike: Man this is so ******** retarded.
    Officer: Hey kid watch your mouth.
    Mike: whatever man.
    They finally reach the doors of 109.
    Officer: get in there and shut up don’t say a word.
    Mike: whatever.
    Mike walks into 109 and sits down some people stop what there doing and look at the recent addition to the room then go back to what they were doing before they were interrupted.
    A lady behind a counter says.
    Lady: when it turns 9:00
    You may go to your next class.
    Mike looks at the clock and it says 8:55. Mike looks around a little bit he started becoming very bored, the time felt as if it had stopped this had been the longest 5 min in his life, he felt as though something bad was about to happen the clock finally Reached 9:00 and mike jumped in joy and went towored the door, his hand reached for the handle and when he made contact, a defining noise stuns mike it was immediately followed by a bright light. Mike had been blown back 6 feet he got up dazed and looked around, he sees that part of the room was collapsed and he saw blood streaming from under the rubble mike runs to the door and flings it open he goes out looks down the hall and sees men in suits they had eyes that glowed orange and gas masks he runs back in the room and sees a piece of glass shaped like a knife . he rips a piece of his shirt and wraps the bottom ,fashioning it into a hilt for the glass. He cautiously went to the door and peeked out, he saw one of the suited men he had a gun around his waist belt and he was standing there facing away from the room mike was in. he took the chance and slowly walked twored the man being super quiet (InsertSound[Heartbeat]) he got 4 feet away and his body started to shake and sweat he got even closer. He got right behind him and pulled the makeshift dagger into the air and lunged down on his neck. There was a sickening sound when it entered, but mike unflinchingly twisted the knife deep in the man. His body fell limp, and finally stopped moving. His mouth made a gurgle noise as the blood filled his throat. Then mike grabbed the gun from his waist and proceeded around the corner. At that time he saw his friend Erik down that hallway.
    Mike: Erik hey what’s happening here?
    Erik: I have no freaking clue.!
    There are these suited guys everywhere!
    Mike: Yea I just killed one!
    Mike then saw behind Erik a suited man coming around the corner he pulled his gun up and aimed it at Erik
    Mike: Erik! Get down!
    Erik began Rolling to the ground
    And mike rolled to the left as the mans bullets left the chamber they zoomed past both the kids Mike got back up.
    Mike: Ahhhhhh! ******** you
    He pulled the trigger and bullets came zooming out of the gun planting themselves in the man. The man fell dead and the gun hit the ground firing some shots
    Mike Flinched but he wasn’t hit
    Mike: Damn Erik that was crazy
    3 seconds went by and no reply, his body was laying there mike ran over to him and began shaking him saying
    Mike: Erik! Erik! Hey Erik get up!
    Mike then grabbed his arm shaking him again.
    His hand got warm and sticky he looked at his hands and saw crimson blood.
    Erik: (Cough)
    Blood spewed from his mouth.
    Erik: Mike I’m ok. I must have passed out from the pain, but its just my arm.
    Mike: We need to get you to a hospital!
    Erik : Yea, but we have to get out of here first.
    Mike: Yea. Lets go!
    Mike runs over to the dead guy, and gets his gun and gives it to Erik.
    Mike I hope you can still defend yourself.
    They walk to the front door of there school and opened the doors. What they saw was that of a World war two battle field.(Insert music)
    Erik: Oh my god mike what is happening
    Mike: I have no clue man but we have to get out of here and find a place to hide out.
    Erik: Well lets see if we can find survivors
    Mike: Ok man lets go(Insert scenes of them looking for survivors fade in and out slowly)
    Erik and mike head down the schools hallways looking for anybody that was alive, they look for about 15 minuets and find only the scattered bodies of dead friends and classmates.
    Erik: Man, I don’t think there’s anybody left somehow we were the only ones make It
    Mike: Yea, but were are all those men that came in.
    Erik: They must have set out for somewhere else, Alright man lets get out of here.
    Mike: Agreed
    Mike and Erik Head out of the school that was once a safe place for learning but that was now left scared with Wounds of war. As they leave out of the courtyard were them and there fellow friends played they see the scorched land and broke down cars.
    Mike: Erik there’s a car running right there.
    Erik: lets get to my house and see if they have gotten that far yet.
    Erik and Mike run to the running car and once they get to it they see a man in the drivers seat in his early 30s his brains splattered all over the back of the car. Mike and Erik’s face go white.
    Mike: Oh my god What the Hell is happening
    Mike turns his head and throws up thinking of the men he had just killed.
    Erik: Hey man come on lets get this body out of here and get to my house I’m losing a lot of blood.
    Mike straightens up his composure the best he can and grabs on to the dead mans leg and helps Erik pull him out they lay him on the street and get in the car.
    Mike: Erik you know how to drive right.
    Erik: Yea man me and my dad used to practice.
    Mike: Ok then lets go.
    Erik steps on the gas and heads toward his house. The ride to his house was the most quiet ride ever as they take in the sites of there former town. And the new giants playground it had been turned into. They finally reach Erik’s house. the other houses on his block seem fine but the war had still hit there. Body’s still litter the streets. They pull up to his house and with a breath they get out and walk up the path to the house. They get to the entrance, the door is busted down they go into the building looking around everything is smashed and thrown around, from under a couch blood streams out into a puddle. tears begin to pour from Erik’s Eyes. Mike inspects under the couch for him to see who it was he comes up and says Erik its your sister. The tears come down even faster, then he gets a stern face and hit’s a wall.
    Clenching his fist.
    Erik: There going to pay I’m going to kill every single one of them.
    Mike: ………… Well we have to do something about this.
    Erik storms into his mothers room he finds her laying there with bullets casings littering the floor next and blood all over her bed a joint still burning in the ashtray. Erik breaks down holding his mom in his hands.
    Mike: I’m sorry about your family Erik but we have to plan on what were going to do.
    Erik wipes the tears from his face picks up the joint takes a hit and lets the smoke slowly escape his mouth. He closes his moms eyes and covers her up he lifts the bed.
    Mike: What are you doing
    Erik: my mom keeps a gun under here we need as much ammo as we can get he searches for it still smoking the joint. He gets up with a confused look on his face.
    Mike: What’s wrong.
    Erik: Its not there
    Mike: the gun
    Erik: Yea, The bastards must have taking it.
    Erik: Well lets go down to the basement and gather up some food.
    Mike: Ok
    They walk to the basement stairs and hear a shuffling noise coming from down there. They slowly walk down with the guns they have drawn. They go toward the basements back room 2 shots fire threw the back room opening.
    Erik looked threw a crack in the wall and sees one of the people in the suits.
    Erik: damn its one of them
    ???: Those were warning shots ill kill you if you come in here.
    Erik’s face goes pale.
    Erik: Brother your part of these people.
    ???: Erik?
    The person in the suit removes the mask.
    It is Erik’s older brother Alex or AJ for short.
    AJ: No that’s not it.
    Erik: I thought you were still on duty why are you here.
    AJ: Erik just put the gun down and come here and we will talk.
    Erik Trusts his brother of 21 and puts the gun down and walks into the room He gives his brother a big hug.
    Erik: so why are you here and why are you wearing what there wearing.
    AJ: well let me start with why I’m here
    Erik: Ok
    AJ: Well they let me come back to visit my family. So I took a plane here to see you guys
    And I got here to the house at about 9:00
    Mike Reveals himself.
    Mike: that’s when the school was attacked.
    AJ: (Surprised) Mike you’re here to.
    Mike: Yea
    Erik stumbles from all the pain he’s in from the gunshot.
    AJ: Your shot!?
    AJ grabs Erik puts him over his shoulder.
    AJ: come on mike I have a first add kit in my duffle bag upstairs.
    AJ and mike walk upstairs holding Erik.
    AJ lays him down on the floor.
    AJ: Mike right over there grab the kit and bring it over here. Erik falls into a deep sleep and if AJ doesn’t hurry it could be the longest and last sleep of his life.
    AJ pulls his combat knife from his side clenching it in his teeth. He then grabs a needle and fills it up with a clear liquid.
    Mike: what is that?
    AJ: This
    He points to the bottle still working on his dieing brother.
    Mike: Yea
    AJ: That’s hydropropelyn it’s a new pain killer its 3 times as strong as morphine and way less deadly in high doses. Witch means we can use more without any repercussions.
    Mike: What I’ve never heard of that before.
    AJ: That’s because its brand new the Marines medical research lab just made it 1 month ago.
    AJ finishes cleaning the blood off the wound. He takes the knife from his mouth and slowly wedges it in between the bullet and Erik’s skin he wiggles and tugs a bit until the bullet becomes free.
    Mike: When will that stuff be available to the public.
    AJ: Never.
    Mike: Why, it sounds like a good drug to have.
    AJ: It may but its not good to give to citizens because it makes there Genetic makeup stronger they can withstand more damage they can run faster…….They can basically do anything you normal humans can do but better.
    AJ begins bandaging up the wound.
    Mike: Why do you say you humans are you not a normal human.
    AJ: No Not at all……

    Chapter Two
    Setting: Erik’s house Three days Since the invasion. Erik finally Awakes from his deep sleep. Erik looks up and sees the blurry vision of his brother and best friend. Their voices are slightly distorted and hazy. There is the sound of running water in the background.
    Mike: AJ, Amelia says, when she was scavenging last night she saw a light in in a house a couple blocks away.
    AJ: Survivors?
    Mike: Or a trap.
    Erik: (Getting up slowly) Ow.
    Mike/AJ: Erik!
    Erik: Who’s Amelia?
    AJ: What?…….. Oh that’s right you weren’t awake when we found her.
    Mike: She’s one of the survivors.
    Erik: There’s other survivors?
    AJ: Yea and we think we may have found more.
    Mike: Well Amelia did.
    Erik: Where is she?
    Mike: She’s taking a shower.
    The sound of running water shuts off the all of them go quiet. The door to the bathroom opens up and out emerges a beautiful young woman around the age of 17. She has long brown hair with a glow of blond. Her eyes a mysterious brown. She is rubbing her hair dry with the towel. She stops and looks at them.
    Amelia: What? Why is everyone looking at me?
    The men except for Erik quickly look away.
    AJ: But yea Erik are you doing ok.
    Erik stunned by her beauty still looks at her.
    AJ: ERIK!
    He snaps out of the trance and replies to AJ
    Erik: (In dazed Tone) Yea….I’m fine my shoulder hurts a little, but I think I’ll live.
    AJ: Ok then, Mike your coming with me tonight. We’re going to see about those survivors.
    Mike: Ok
    Erik: What about me? Erik tries to stand but the pain over comes him and he falls right back to the makeshift bed.
    AJ: You’re in no condition to be running around the city! Mike come on lets get ready Its Almost nightfall.
    Amelia: What about me.
    AJ: Oh yea… You keep Erik company while we go check.
    Amelia: Man…
    Amelia sits down and watches as Mike and AJ
    Get ready for the task at hand.
    AJ and mike each grab a gun and get geared up.
    AJ: Alright its time. Amelia were leaving so keep Erik protected.
    Mike and AJ walk toward the front door and exit scene.
    Erik: A…j… But his word is to late, and they’re gone.
    Erik: So Amelia what’s your story?
    Amelia: Ha! Story more like a page.
    Erik: Well?
    Amelia: Well I grew up here in (Insert City) and well, you can say I was a “bad apple” I got into trouble for grand theft auto and concealed weapons charge. Then I was sent away to the local boot camp around the block. I was in there until the day of the invasion. Those soldiers came so fast I just hid in a locker and I saw them slaughter the other teens in the camp. They left as fast as they came. And I was alone at least I thought I was until your brother and Mike came, I thought they were more soldiers and in the camp they have a munitions section with all there guns that we used for target practice so I was loaded up with an M16. When your brother came around the corner. I unloaded a full clip into him. But he just kept coming and he said its ok I’m friendly. I just stood there in amazement as I just pumped him completely full of lead.
    Then the holes in his body just healed back up.
    I didn’t ask any questions I just went along with them and they brought me here. I’ve kind of actually been looking forward to talking to you.
    Erik: My brother got shot and didn’t die….