[Warning: Story so messed up. Try to keep up. It's going to go super fast before your very eyes no matter how slow you try to read it.]

    Night. Or at least I thought it was. Was it night or was it day? Is this reality or a dream? I could never tell.
    My name is Jake. I'm an eighteen year old male. Who either lives his fantasies or dreams them. I have friends. They may or might not be real. Again I can never tell.

    I awoke in my bed. Covered in what seemed to be blood or fruit punch. "I guess a taste sample wouldn't hurt." I thought. I dipped my finger down my leg and licked whatever the red liquid was.... Turns out it was fruit punch. Expired fruit punch. I got out of bed. Got dressed. I didn't have time for a shower. Even though I probably needed one. I walked out the door forgetting my car keys. Stopping myself, I turned right back around and grabbed them off the key hook by the front door. And opened the car door. I got inside and opened my eyes. All of a sudden I found myself lying in the middle of my room on the floor. "What the hell just happened?" I thought. A slug passes by on the floor. He turns and looks at me. "You know you're late for work?" Said the slug. I jumped up. And hit my head against something hard. I looked around. It was dark. "Now where am I?" I asked myself. "You are dead." Said a familiar voice. A blanket was taken off my body. I was lying naked on the copier machine with my boss and fellow co-workers starring at me. I starred bug-eyed. Shocked and speechless. How the hell did this happen? "I give you a raise and this is how you repay me!" shouted my boss. "I don't even know how I got here." I said. "Bullshit Jake! You're fired!" yelled my boss. I got up and packed my stuff up and left the building. I looked around outside. Where the hell was my car? "Looks like I'm walking." I said to myself. I started walking down the sidewalk. Then I heard something. "Psst." There it was again. "Psst!" It was coming from the bushes. "Psst! Ya you." said the voice. I looked around. And then walked over near the bushes. "Hello?" I said. "Stop standing around. Get in here." Said the voice. I stepped into the bushes near my office hopping this wasn't another sick dream of mine. "That's right. Come closer." said the voice. This was weird I didn't think the bushes went out far. I looked inside my hands. I no longer held my belongings. Instead I was holding a lighter. Then it suddenly got darker inside the forest-like bushes. "Come on! Get your a** over here!" yelled the voice. I lit the lighter and out of nowhere a branch hit me in the face. I dropped the lighter and it dropped on part of the bush. And it caught on fire. Just in a few seconds the entire place was in flames. I ran and ran and got outside of the bushes. I found myself back outside of the bushes and my office building. Both were on flames. "There he is!" shouted a voice that sounded like my boss's. "That's him! I fired him and decided to light the place on fire!" he shouted. Four police cars, one fire truck, and two ambulances. Two police men took out their guns. "Put your hands up punk!" shouted one of them. I panicked. I ran. A car pulled up in front of me. "Get in!" shouted the driver. I got into the back seat of the car. Then I heard gun shots. The police were shooting at us. "How'd you get into this mess, Jake?" asked the driver. "I don't know. I really don't know what is happening to me." I said. "Jake. I'm gonna drive you to my place. So they don't get you. There gonna try getting you at your place. So just hang with me till everything calms down." Said the guy. "Ok." I said. Another gun shot fired. The car stopped. "Hey you ok up there?" I asked. I leaned over to look. He had a gun shot in his head and a gun in his hand. "Oh s**t!" I yelled. I got out of the car. He was standing outside. "Oh my God." I said frighted. "Why'd you shoot me!" yelled the guy. "I was just trying to help you! Why did you ******** shoot me! You know that doesn't help you whatsoever!" he yelled. "I" "What!" he yelled. "I" "You what! You what!" he shouted. "I... I... I didn't shoot you. Get away from me!" I said. I started running away. "That's right. Just keep running away. You always run away!" he said. I stopped. I turned around. I was in my room again. Starring down at the slug. "Didn't you hear me." said the slug. "What?" I said in tears. "You're late for work." Said the slug. "I don't have a job." I said. "Sure you do. You always had a job. And you're late for it." said the slug. "You're not real." I said. "Yes I am. I've been looking out for you forever." Said the slug. "I don't even know you." I said. "Ya, you..." "I said I don't know you!" I yelled. "Fine. I'll go away then. You're on your own for now on." Said the slug. I fell down. And kept falling. And falling. I could hear all these voices go through my head. I dropped on my knees covering my ears. Shutting my eyes. "I don't know you. I don't know you. I don't know you." I said. "You don't know who?" Asked a voice. "I opened my eyes. I was in a white room. A woman was standing near me. "Sir. You ok?" asked the woman. "I don't know." I said. I saw you get into your car, and you fell out. And you started bleeding so I brought to the hospital." Said the woman. "I'm in a hospital?" I said confused. "Ya. You hit your head on the ground. Do you remember anything? Like your name? Or the date?" She asked. "Ya. My name's Jake." she said. "I'm Caroline." She said. I opened my eyes. And I looked down. I was about to start my car. I took the keys out of the ignition. And got out. "I think I'll stay in today." I thought.