• **** (Drugging)
    “Did you really think I should’ve slipped that in his breakfast this morning?” Everyone turned to the blushing Shield. “I-i-i-I mean...” Sinistra smiled at her uneasily.
    “You put that in his breakfast?” She looked slightly guilty. “I gave her alcohol... okay, okay it had honey in... but I put some of that in there as well...” There was a stunned silence. Libra smiled.
    “I knew it.” Everyone turned to Libra, who looked up from her paperwork. “He isn’t normally that eager. And normally wouldn’t kiss another man.” More silence. Dextera poured more tea into his cup, smirking. “And those suspenders! Black doesn’t go well with that shade of red!” Shield coughed.
    “Those are his favourite suspenders. Mi-chan’s fond of them.” Dextera smiled as he picked up a biscuit.
    “Regardless...He’ll figure out what’s happened, you know. He’s not blind, nor stupid.”
    “Yes... but will he be that mad? Doubt it.” Everyone nodded in agreement. Tea breaks at EA. Always discussions around the table between the admin. EA has a few pupils – all gifted and potential candidates. Mostly sciences and computer courses are taught – ETHA being the Acadamy’s network. Little do the pupils know about ETHER and their secrets. Nor do they know of ETHA’s true nature... Dextera, Sinistra and Libra are the Head Teachers, whilst Light does P.E and Shield does her degree. There are other teachers brought in to fill in the gaps, but they don’t get involved in these conversations.
    “Well, I suppose we’d better get to class...” Sinistra stood, picking her notes up. Libra smiled.
    “Yes. Our expensive classes need to be good.”
    *** (Side Effects)
    I woke up in my bed... I was surprised to find Ri-chan’s arms wrapped around my waist. He was awake, and decided to kiss my bare shoulder. We... were both in the nude! I blushed. He felt the warmth and kissed my cheek... so gently. There was a musky scent in the air... His smooth skin brushed against me as I rolled around to face him. Something was different... He held me closer to him as I rested my head above his collarbone, inhaling the scent... we were slightly damp with sweat. He held my head there, kissing my hair. A moment of bliss. I put two and two together as he raised my head to be level with his. He kissed my forehead, then my lips. He sighed, stroking my neck.
    “You said those two words...” I froze in horror. “I hate to say this... but it appears as if we’ve been drugged, Mi-chan.” He returned his arms to around my waist, hands resting in the hollow of my back. He lowered his head to kiss just under my chin, then pausing at the hollows in my neck to kiss them. “I’m sorry...” He murmured so softly... “I want this right, I want to remember it properly... No drugs.” My mind flashed back to what happened, now that we were sobering up.
    Yes, after we’d written the Evaluation, he’d started kissing and I couldn’t resist. And I had said ‘******** me’... One thing led to another... I remember it was very pleasurable, though... I remember asking him to be gentle (first time and all) and he said to trust him because it was his first time, too. Ugh. I couldn’t remember any more. Just that there was a lot of variety. I grimaced.
    “How’d we get...”
    “I think I was gotten by Kat at breakfast. You were probably done with Sinistra’s medicine.” He paused, chuckling darkly. “I think we had the same dosage, but I... seem to be resistant to it. Either that or I had less than you...” He kissed my neck again.
    “I take it you know what drug?” I could feel him smile. I could feel warmth coming from his face – I assume he was blushing.
    “An ancient aphrodisiac called Ambrosia. Developed by... my ancestors to use... it’s tasteless and odourless... The only way to get it out of your system is by...” He kissed my collarbone, seemingly pausing in thought. “Um... penetrative sex...” I could feel the heat intensify. “Relieving yourself only makes it worse, as does time.” He sighed. “That second time I went to the toilet... That probably did it...” He sighed. “And you were showing the same signs by then, so we...” His arms tightened around me. “I’m so sorry...” I put my arms around him gently, sighing.
    “It would have ended up this way regardless. It was better to have done it now, with me, than later. What if you’d been out when it was unbearable?” I kissed his head where I could reach. I giggled. “And what would have happened to me? I can’t imagine...” His voice was filled with humour.
    I can... I would have enjoyed that...” He lifted his head again, eyes smouldering. “I would have to rescue him, whoever it was... clearly.” I poked him. “What? I’m just going by your behaviour today, Mi-chan!” We started laughing – I poked him more.
    “No fair! I claim drugged!” We laughed more. He removed one hand and playfully messed my hair up more – goodness it was tangled – before cupping my cheek.
    “I know. So do I.” He sighed again. “I think we ought to get dressed. It’s three thirty and I think it’s best if I didn’t meet your parents in tight trousers and suspenders.” I froze in panic...
    “Wh-when are they due back?” He smiled.
    “Not for another three hours... but I’d like to finish up here, first...” He kissed my lips. Funny taste... he rolled us over so that I was on the bed, and then decided to sit over my thighs. Everything was in view... I blushed. He leaned to stroke my face, his face slightly concerned. “A-Are you still self-conscious? I-I-I didn’t mean...” I silenced him with one finger to his lips.
    “Let me get this straight. You see me in the nude many, many times, undress me, Blood Pact with me, screw me-” He smiled at my crude language. “-and then ask if I’m self-conscious about this?” I paused, his eyes still asking the question. I rolled my eyes. “Not with you anymore.” I admitted almost reluctantly. He smiled warmly, getting off my legs. He pulled me up with him, kissing my hand. We were putting on our underwear when he looked out of the window at the sound of a car.
    “We’d better get fully changed...” I looked out to see Tsu-chan and Sinistra pulling up in Sinistra’s car – a white, sporty car – A Lamborghini. I remember she once said that although it looks good, it steers like a washing machine. They looked worried, but paused in the car. We finished putting our clothing on quickly. He looked down at me and winked. “Let’s cause mischief, shall we?” I blinked twice and he pushed me onto the bed, pulling the covers over us. We heard the front door open, and he entwined our hands. He lowered his head to mine. “Follow my lead...” This was whispered so softly... He positioned us so it looked... I rolled my eyes. “Sound pleasured, and moan something somewhat offensive but ambiguous.” He started moving, thrusting his hips as we heard steps up the stairs. The bed was moving.
    Why are-
    Just in case my timing isn’t right... Right, now!
    “Harder, b***h, harder!” He mouthed an ‘Oooh, nice one!’ and kept going.
    It’s the only way to get the right sounds, Mi-chan.
    Yeah, right. We could hear hushed whispering on the stairs.
    Oh, my... They’re actually... I shouldn’t have spiked the drink...
    Alex... Oh, I shouldn’t have put that in his tea...
    “More... More! ...” We slowed as he heard the door opening and quickly shut again. We took that opportunity to escape the covers and sit on the bed. “Aaah...” From somewhere, he had pulled a chocolate orange, pre broken and half eaten. He was feeding me a segment when Sinistra peered around the corner. We both looked innocently at her. She giggled, then pulled Tsu-chan in. He held the wrapper out to them. “Wanna bit?” He and I started laughing as they blinked.
    “B-b-b-but the Ambrosia... the breakfast and the medici-“
    “That was earlier.” He said matter-of-factly. He started to look annoyed. “You drugged us. Why? If I wanted to-“ He turned to me. “Excuse me for a second.” I rolled my eyes. He turned back to them. “-really [********] Mi-chan, it's better without drugs!” He pulled me to him. “The thought... Were you even thinking? Ambrosia...” He pulled me close, half smirking. “... I think we’d have got there without it, eventually.” They looked down. There was a long silence.
    “I’m sorry, you two... it’s just that... well...”
    “’Lex... I just thought...” He looked down at me and then smiled at them.
    “Well, no harm done...” He grimaced. “Just don’t do anything like that again!”
    *** (Encounter)
    It was an hour after they’d left that my parents returned. Ha, my parents were loaded with goodies from their romantic trip... and some stuff for me. At this point in time I’d washed, changed and was ‘washing up’ when they walked in the door. I certainly wasn’t going to tell them of my weekend hassle, nor of any ETHER antics... I faked some enthusiasm at the large mass of chocolate... To be honest, all I wanted to do involved ETHA and ETHER. I leaped up and down when I told them about EA and that – and spent the night celebrating... We celebrated until late, then I turned in. A few minutes after my parents went to bed, I received a text message: ‘lol u goin 2 skol 2moro? Ren xx’ I replied: ‘Yea – given all clear just now. See you tomorrow!’. ‘Ok, cya!’. I sighed. School’s just not going to be the same again. I briefly considered bunking school, but that wasn’t a good idea. I fell asleep thinking of what would happen, and what consequences were...
    “My insides all turn to ash, so slow... And blew away as I collapsed, so cold... A black wind took you away, from sight... And held the darkness over day, that night...” My alarm... “And held the darkness over day, that night... And the clouds above move closer, looking so dissatisfied... But the heartless wind kept blowing, blowing...” I picked up my cellphone. It seemed like a long time since I’d heard the alarm... “...I used to be my own protection, but not now... ‘Cause my path has lost direction, somehow... A black wind took you away... from sight... and held the darkness over day, that night...” I turned the alarm off. I should really change that song... I have a funny feeling about it.
    “And the clouds above move closer, looking so dissatisfied...” I smiled at the thought of how well this song fits in... I got up, fixed breakfast and made tea. Yes, tea. I think I had too much alcohol when I was celebrating... too much champagne... I didn’t feel much better when I reached school.
    “Surprise!” I was sent flying as soon as I entered the Common Room. Ivy had, in essence, glomped me! I landed on the floor and we slid a fair ways. “Are you feeling better?... Oh, crap...” I blinked several times before realising where I was. Crap, indeed. Popular section of the common room... Territorial buggers. They looked down at me and Ivy as we struggled to untangle. We stood up as one of the girls came over. She looked... annoyed. It was one of Reish’s usual groupies.
    “What did you do to Matthew?” I blinked twice. “What did you say to him?” I didn’t say anything. “You’ve said something to him yesterday and now-“ The girl was getting angrier and angrier, holding a hand like a claw...”-he’s NOT IN TODAY!” The whole common room went quiet. I was just standing there, Ivy slightly behind me. This girl was scary, but I was standing firm. Ivy tugged at my arm.
    “She looks angry... we should retreat now...”
    “We have done nothing wrong. If Reish decides to slap me, that’s his choice, not mine.”
    “YOU lying...”
    “It’s no lie.”
    “YOU LIAR! HE’D NEV-“ I sighed.
    “Unfortunately, you are wrong.” I turned away. “I never said anything to him.” I started to walk away, Ivy leading me. The Common Room was silent. “Ivy, did I miss anything in Form?”
    “Do. Not. Turn. Your.” The girl was fuming now. “BACK ON ME!” The groupie rushed me from behind, and I just stepped to one side. She flew past me and landed heavily under a table. Again, everyone was quiet. I continued to speak to Ivy.
    “I mean, I did cut form early...” Ivy smiled. The groupie was still seething, clearly. She cussed and spat and threatened more action. I think she broke a nail in that last mad dash.
    “You just missed the handing out of the exam timetables. And Reish getting pwned.” Ren smiled at me, gesturing for me to sit down. I sat down next to her, eyeing the now hysterical groupie cautiously. Hysterical groupies are dangerous things, well known for violence... I could feel a little twinge run up my spine. Uh-oh. It means that I could have another muscle spasm. Not good if I have to fight off a rabid fangirl...
    “Your Form Tutor sent him to go find you and apologise.” She sighed. “I hear Reish was told off very badly in the afternoon registration. He looked ill when he went home.” There was a roar from behind me. Yes - hysterical groupie on the loose! And... she was heading for me! Damn! I should fend her off... Ren stood up. She looked really annoyed. The groupie stopped in her tracks, afraid of the slightly angry Ren. I would, too. She’s really fierce when she’s angry. “You should turn around and leave us be.” Woah, angry voice. As an ‘aware’ person... her voice can sound funny – maybe an ability of hers? The groupie shuddered and turned away, anger turning aside. I’m not surprised. “Thank you.” We continued our conversation after she sat back down. Most of the common room’s occupants did, too. Form went as smooth as could be expected – Form tutor fussing over me, everyone checking if I was alright... No appearance from Reish. Was he alright? Meh. It is none of concern, but still... Physics came and went, heralding the start of the triple Chemistry. Reish is normally in my class, but if he’s not in today... well, he’ll miss out on burning fuel then. I walked in and sat down in my usual seat. Meh. Looks like... there’s a sheet on the teacher’s desk.
    “Hmm... Oh, our teacher’s not here?” I read the sheet. No, sir isn’t here today. We just have to get on with our coursework. Lolness~ most of mine has been done, thanks to Ri-chan. I smiled, but became aware of someone behind me. I span around, looking as I went. Noone’s there. I kept looking around, up, down and around. Nope. Nothing but a funny feeling. I returned to my seat. Well, if we just have to do coursework, and the room’s free... I’ll just stay here. I have work to do. Very boring...
    “I see that you’ve been working hard, sister.” A voice in the inky black. Have I fallen asleep? What a place...
    “Yes, brother.”
    “And how fares your attempts to find the lost Goddess?”
    “Close. I feel her presence... Faint.”
    “And of the Caragiri?”
    “Potential contact.” There was a stuffy pause. “I cannot have been sure... But are you sure it is soon?”
    “It is soon, sister.” What a dream... I think I know the girl’s voice... I sat up. Yes, I had been asleep... I had been sleeping on my work. Everyone had come and gone, I think. I checked the register. Yes, they’d all been, signed their names and left. No Reish. I sighed. It was the end of the lessons, and most of lunch had gone. Just have to register again, then go to one more lesson. Well, a free period for me. I reached form a little early. Ren was there.
    “Hey Ren!” She turned and smiled.
    “So how was chemistry?” I smiled back.
    “Alright. I fell asleep, so it went quickly. How did your free periods go?” Form time passed. Ren smiled as she dragged me, Ivy and Alice to a patch of grass near the school exit. A tall man was standing there. He must have been around 25. As he turned to face us... I froze. Raphael Senran... Long black hair framed a beautiful pale face with angled features that puts him on the same level of beauty as Ri-chan. Blue-grey eyes looked in our direction. But the dream... as we approached him, he opened his arms wide. Ren ran into them. When she was released, she dragged him to where she’d left us.
    “This...” She tugged at his sleeve. “Is my step-brother, Raphael.”
    “Ren, you never told us you had a step-brother!”
    “Umm...” He smiled at us. Well, it seemed he was smiling at me...
    “I’ve just returned from my studies in America. I’ve been researching haunting in hotels.” I blinked twice.
    “Aah, you must be a para...parapsycologist.” He nodded, smiling broader.
    “Yes. You must be smart to say that... hardly anyone gets that the first time...” Ren smiled. “There’s a word for that... Mirari. Miracle.” He laughed gently. “I’ll call you that.” I blushed. He turned to Ivy and Alice. “You look like Ivy and an Alice.” We were astonished. Ren explained.
    “I already told him... and of you...”
    “That’s ok. I mean, he got their names right...” I sighed. “Mirari sounds cute.” Yes. I was already used to that nickname. All of a sudden, Raphael had taken my hand... So beautiful... No. Ri-chan is my only... Ivy’s eyes glinted.
    “I think we’ll call you that, too.” Alice smiled and agreed.
    “It certainly flows! And it’s shorter than AnjelisGrimn.”
    “That’s settled, then.” I could feel Raphael’s cool breath on the back of my hand... but I couldn’t move to stop him...
    “I’m glad you like it, Mirari.” He kissed the back of my hand, gently. His lips felt cool against my skin. “Such a beauty...” I blushed. Ren smiled again.
    “I think you’ve embarrassed her, Rafi.” Ivy and Alice were standing to one side, watching the funny scene continue. Ren looked at them, then looked at Raphael and me. “Rafi, she’s spoken for. What would her girlfriend say?” His lips paused on my hand.
    “Surely I could sway her?” He let go of my hand. I was speechless and still red. He giggled. Then the conversation was led away to school and that. I could feel Raphael’s desire to know more – he focused on me. I think he has one or more abilities... I don’t know what, but he does give off the waveforms for it. When we moved on to our love lives, Raphael listened intently to mine – he even asked what Ri-chan looked like, carefully noting his competition. Naturally, I didn’t mention ETHER or anything like that... and kept the facade of Ri-chan’s femininity. Ren gasped suddenly.
    “Well, speak of the she-devil.” I spun around. Ri-chan had appeared at the gates. He carefully walked over – his little kitten heels not affecting his fluid movements or the way his skirt slid across his smooth skin. Yes, he was a girl again... I smiled warmly at him as he threw his arms around me from behind, kissing my cheek. He was holding me tighter than usual, I noted.
    “How have you been today, my little one?”
    I warn you, do not call me Ri-chan in front of him, Mi-chan. Call me Alex.
    Okay, but he’s already set on calling me Mirari. And attempting to get close. I warn you of that.
    Okay, thanks for the warning...
    “No problems, Alex...” I rubbed my cheek against his. “Aww, did you come especially to pick me up... Thank you...” One of his hands reached my face. Raphael hissed quietly. Ri-chan sighed.
    “Only for you... What have you been up to today? Who’s been trying you today?” Raphael at this point hissed louder, causing everyone to look at him. Ren put a hand on his shoulder.
    “I told you she was taken, Rafi...” Ri-chan giggled.
    “Oh, he did?” Ri-chan glanced at Raphael. “She is mine, dear sir. Please keep that in mind.” I could feel the air between them heating up. Yes, they were both angry. Geez, two beautiful men fighting. (Or one and a half, in this case) I blushed. Ri-chan kissed my cheek again, as if to prove a point.
    I can’t resist, Mi-chan.
    “I’m sorry, I didn’t catch your name.”
    “It’s Raphael.” This was spat out. “I presume you are this Alex I have heard mentioned.” Ri-chan smiled.
    “Yes, I am. Alex Dimuri, at your sevice.” The air thickened more. “Sorry. At <i>her</i> service.”
    “Alex! Bei]have!” I hissed at him. No way do I want two people arguing over me. “That goes for you too, Raphael.” They both backed off slightly. Ri-chan even loosened his grip, removing his arms. Ren blinked twice. I don’t think she’s seen that before. Raphael looked at the time, and then calmly walked over and picked up my hand again. He kissed the back of it, gently.
    “Mirari, I am afraid that it is time for me to go. It was certainly-“His lips lingered on my hand, his gaze up at me longing for more. “-a pleasure meeting you. I hope I am pleasured again by you...” As if to taunt Ri-chan more, he pulled me to him, squeezing me to his body. Squeezing most of my breath out. I couldn’t move. I had no choice but to look up at his face... he leaned in and kissed me – his tongue invading my mouth and exploring... I froze... He released me after an age – holding my head to his chest. “See you later, Mirari...” He let go of me and walked away, waving as Ren followed him. I was still frozen in place – going redder and redder. What a shock... It was time for Ivy and Alice to go, too. As they waved goodbye, Ri-chan came up behind me and put his arms around me again, softly and gently... almost if I would break... I could feel his lips graze my ear...
    “Mi-chan...” He kissed my cheek again. “That was Raphael Senran.” Everything went black. I was right, and I had just been kissed by the enemy... Where does that leave me and Ren? What’s going to happen? Why did I dream that funny scene in chemistry? Ach, my head... I awoke in Ri-chan’s arms. We were in a local park, near my house, on a bench not far from his parked car.
    “Mi-chan, are you alright?” I sighed.
    “I am now... Ri-chan. I knew...” He held my hand carefully. “I knew who he was...”
    “He... He has the ability to seduce girls, Mi-chan. He uses them...” He giggled lightly. “That bit where the air seemed to heat up... he was trying to sway me...” He kissed my cheek. “I’m proud of your resistive powers, Mi-chan! Aah, he was also trying for you...” He squeezed me with his other arm. He was being soft.
    “Yeah... I couldn’t move...” He stroked the back of my hand. “But... I think he knew.”
    “Knew what?”
    “I think he knew I had abilities... may have known about you, too.” Ri-chan shook his head.
    “No. He would’ve done something. Of that I am sure.” I lay back on him, feeling his warmth through his vest. The padding in his bra was very realistic, I thought. I rolled over so I could bury my face in his chest. He put both of his arms around me, sighing. “Do you think that he knew of your potential?” I shook my head.
    “No. I don’t even know my own potential. Why should someone else?” He chuckled.
    “True, true. But there is an ability that does that.” He gave a little squeeze. “Potentiality.” It’s rare. Way too rare, thankfully.” He smiled at me. “We’d better get you home. Your parents will start to wonder.” I nodded, and then got up from him. I thought I could hear him sigh as he followed.
    “I think I can walk from here...”
    “I will drop you off close to your house.” He grabbed me on the arm. “And it’s an ETHER night.” I smiled as he dragged me into his car.
    “Well, if you insist.” Damn insistent crazy shiny top-of-the-range Lexus driver.
    “I do.” I took this as a sure sign he was worried about Raphael. He sped off from the park. He stopped less than one hundred meters from my front door; his black car hard to spot against a dark hedge. I got my bags and headed around to the driver’s window. He rolled it down. “I’ll see you at midnight, Mi-chan. Be careful.”
    “No worries, Ri-chaaaan~. You be careful yourself, crazy driver, you.” He laughed and waited until I had entered the house before pulling away. When he was driving off, my parents came home. They’d been shopping for food items – and quite a lot of them. My Mum bounced in the door.
    “I won! I won!” Although she was carrying heavy bags, this didn’t stop her from jumping up and down.
    “You won what?”
    “I won a month’s cruise!” She stopped. “But... It’s only for two...” She looked disappointed.
    “It starts next week... I’ll have to cancel...” I put my hands on her shoulders.
    “Mum. Take Dad and go. I can survive for a month. Besides... a quiet house means I can revise!” She smiled.
    “You sure?” I nodded. “You are easy to live with...” The evening consisted of unpacking the food, packing their suitcases and (eventually) doing homework. Mum was busy writing lists of ‘To Do’s’ – although I’d never touched the last one. She was also sorting the food out into weeks and making sure I had money in my bank account so I could go shopping and pay bills. It was about eleven at night when I staggered up to my room. I was fairly surprised to see Ri-chan sitting on my bed. He held me close to him when I had closed the door.
    “I was just so worried...” I put my arms around him.
    “Why? Is it Raphael?” He nodded.
    “It’s just... unnerved me, that’s all.” He stroked my back with one hand. “I’ll stay here while you get changed.” He paused and let go of me. I quickly pulled on some trousers and a tee, hesitating when I heard footsteps up the stairs. “I’ll duck, then.”
    “Don’t go in the closet!” Ri-chan ducked under the bed as I nipped into bed, flicking the light off. I pretended to be asleep (a bout of paralysis helped here) as I heard the door open and shut and then as I heard my parent’s snores, I got up. Ri-chan scooped me up and took me to his car again. His speedy driving meant we got to EA at around 1.15. On the way, I told Ri-chan of the cruise. He smiled. It meant I could stay at EA during the weekends, and although he offered to stay at mine overnight, I refused. I wouldn’t get enough sleep... There was also a two week college holiday during that month – he assured me I could stay at EA then. I was happy, but had the feeling something wasn’t right. We entered Debrief to a scene of unrest. Everyone had logged in already – something had obviously happened.
    “Master Libra! Has something happened?”