“What?” I asked again, wanting an answer from my homeroom teacher: Mrs. Bumble. She sighed, putting her hands on her hips “Alexandra Turner, you never listen do you? I said today we are spending all of our time outside for field day.” I groaned in my mind. Im in long jeans, a black Korn shirt, and a long sleeved black jacket. To make matters worse, my skin is quite fair so needless to say the sun is not my friend.
“Alright remember stay in earshot, don’t wander, and behave. Line up.” Mrs. Bumble pointed to the door. Everyone rushed out, chatting along about the actives we are going to do and what happened on E! News last night. I slowly rose from my seat, worrying about getting burned. Until I felt a tap on my shoulder.
It was my friend Frank; I smiled “Hey.” He smiled back then giggled “Field day, fun.” He too, was in all black. We walked out the classroom together into the busy hallway. “I know right, grrr im going to have to hide all day.” I replied. Frank patted my back understandingly. “It will be okay. Hey I’ll hide with you.” I laughed; Frank always found a way to make life seem funny.
“Gerard!” I shouted, waving him over; Once Frank and I were both outside. Gerard grinned, he slipped his sunglasses on and jogged over. “Hey Gee.” Frank punched him lightly.
I, on the other hand, gave Gerard a big tight hug. “What’s up?” he asked when we let go. “Just fine, but Alex here is bummed.” Frank said. Gerard looked at me with a cute puppy dog shorta face. “What’s the matter?” he pouted. I sighed “Nothing, just mad at the sun and my parents.”
Gerard and Frank in unison kissed my cheeks. I giggled “Wow, thanks.” The two smiled as Frank giggled “You’re welcome. Hey lets find Mandy and Bridgette.” Gerard and I smiled and exchanged a glance. Everyone has known Frank has always had a thing for Mandy.
“Okay, lets go.” I agreed. We linked arms and headed toward the soccer field. While standing at the top near the bleachers we saw the afro blowing in a random gust of wind. “RAY!” we screamed. Ray turned around; we saw Bridgette was with him. “Hey come on.” He said beckoning us. We ran down toward them, smiling. “Heyy.” Bridgette took out a headphone. I sat next to her and asked “Whattcha hearing?” She gave me a headphone and said “Stacy’s Mom.” I put it in my ear. “I’ve seen the video. Talk about a perverted kid.” Ray shuttered. Gerard sat next to me and agreed “Really stupid kid.” Frank nodded “Seriously I mean Stacy is hotter then her mom.” He joked. Bridgette rolled her eyes “Oh my god.” She muttered. I laughed then asked “Where’s Mandy?” Ray pointed to the field. We all looked and saw Mandy running to a goal kicking a white soccer ball. “Go!” I yelled. Some girl in yellow in the goal tried to catch it but the little ball made it through. “GOAL!” Everyone screamed. Mandy shot her fists in the air, “Awesome! We won!” she cheered. “Yay! Mandy!” Bridgette shouted. Suddenly, Melissa and her boyfriend Mikey showed up. “Mandy won yay!” Mikey congratulated. Then he gave his brother Gerard a quick hug. “Hey where have you guys been?” Frank asked concerned. “Just around.” Melissa shrugged. “Yeah okay.” Ray eyed them. I could tell he thought more. “Remember condoms.” A voice said. We turned around and saw Bob. “Bob!” Bridgette and I said in unison. “Bob, such a good little boy. Always use’s his little condoms.” Frank grinned coolly. Bob hit him upside his head “Look who’s talking!” he shouted, sitting on the other side of Bridgette.
“Don’t worry Im only kidding; Gerard and I always use condoms.” Frank kissed his ‘boy-friend’ on the cheek. Gerard rolled his eyes “Thank you.” Mandy came jogging up, panting. “We won.” She stated; Wow, Mandy must have really played hard, she seemed as if she would drop dead any minute. “You need water.” Melissa said matter-of-factly. “You think!?” Mandy slumped down on the bleacher right in front of the one we were on. Bridgette and Frank jumped to her side. “Hey, I’ll go get you some water.” I offered standing up. Mandy nodded and gave me a thumbs up. “Anybody want anything else?” I asked; beginning to make my way up to the school. “Could you get me a Coke please?” Bob stuck a five in my face. “Oo, Money thanks.” I snatched it and took off. I was already about half way to the school when I felt the sun shine through some clouds and pierce my back. I groaned and pulled my hood on. “Alex! HEY ALEX!” someone yelled. He was running after me; Gerard. Right when I turned around he bumped into me; almost crashing on the ground luckily for his quick reflexes. He caught me. “Gerard? Hey.” I said, smiling. “Why are you walking all the way to school? There is a concession stand down there.” He replied, taking my hand. I felt my face get real hot; I knew I was turning red.
Yeah I kinda have a crush on Gerard.
“But were only in 8th grade, no way we could date. Well…” I gasped and shut my trap. Im such an idiot! I had thought aloud. Gerard looked at me and said “Yeah were in 8th grade; but Mikey and Melissa are together, and I know Frank is going to ask out Mandy. Who do you want to ask out?” I sighed with a bit of relief. But I don’t know what to say, Gerard is really hot and smart he could easily pick up a girl. No way he could feel the same way about me, im not exactly that smart and pretty? Well let’s just say I hate mirrors. But he’s also one of my best friends I can’t keep secrets from him. I sighed and summed up my confidence “You.”
I’m such a chicken, right when the words left my lips I shut my eyes.
I herd a giggle then a sigh “Really?” I kept my eyes closed; I nodded slowly. My face getting hotter and much, much redder; and not from the sun. I felt his soft sweet lips touch mine. My mind was swirling, I mean Gerard has kissed me before but not like this. And not on the lips ether. My heart was screaming and thundering. I just stood there, flabbergasted, my eyes still shut. Gerard then slowly took his lips off of mine. “I like you too.” He said softly. My icy blues snapped open “Awesome!” I yelled still dumbfounded. Good God I can be such a girly sometimes! Gerard smiled; he too, was beet red. “So, want to go out?” he asked. I giggled and gave him the biggest hug ever, “Yes, Gerard Way.”
He hugged me back. And we just stood there in the boiling heat, both in all black, hugging. Glad we got that out into the open. “AWWW! How cute, now then go get me some water!” Mandy snapped from behind. Gerard and I didn’t let go, but we turned to her and saw she and Bridgette. “You guys are together now?” Bridgette asked. I couldn’t tell if she was happy, jealous or surprised. But Gerard spoke for the both of us “Yeah.” I studied their faces for a moment. Mandy was hot, a little sweaty and seemed tired. Bridgette was just blank, im assuming she was thinking about Edward Cullen or My Chemical Romance. “Well, I’d better get Mandy some water and Bridgette would you like a Coke, im getting Bob one.” I said trying to slip out of the nice hug. But Gerard held on to me as if I were his favorite Teddy Bear. “Hey Um Gerard you can let go now.” I looked at him. He kissed my forehead then let go. I waved a short good bye and turned toward the school. I herd Bridgette and Mandy cooing “AWW! You two are so cute!” they said. I sighed and giggled to myself. Once I had gotten two Cokes and one water, I returned to the bleachers. “Here you go Bob.” I tossed him the Coke. “Thanks you can keep the change.” He replied popping the little bottle cap open. “Really? Coolness, hello Hot Topic.” I said handing Bridgette her Coke and Mandy her water. “Thanks.” They said in unison. “Where’s Ray?” I asked. “Trying to get Lexi to go out with him.” Mikey laughed.
I looked down at the field, and sure enough Ray was talking to Lexi. “Well, this isn’t so bad.” Melissa said. I was about to agree with her, but then we herd “Miss Turner, Mr. Way, were you the two making out in the library?” Everyone whipped their heads around to see Mrs. Bumble. Gerard shook his head “Nope.” I shook my head with him. “No?” Mrs. Bumble raised an eyebrow. I cleared my throat “No Mrs. Bumble, Gerard and I did not make out in the library.” I peered at Mikey and Melissa. Mikey was cleaning his glasses and Melissa was watching a bumble bee buzz around in a circle as if it was her best friend; I rolled my eyes she can be a real idiot sometimes. “Alright, but if there is any thing-“ Mrs. Bumble was interrupted by Mr. Meeks. “I know who it is Miss Bumble. It was four eyes and Emo chick over there.” He glared at Mikey and Melissa, who glared back at him. “What?” Mandy projected her voice. None of us like labels but she hates them the most and im guessing she was shocked a teacher called a pair of students that. “You two, Office now!” Mr. Meeks ignored Mandy and continued to glare at them. Mikey got up, but Melissa kept staring at the bee. “Melissa?” Mikey asked. “Sorry Mikey I’ll make out with you later, im busy.” Melissa replied. Then the bee flew away. “Aww, bye Mr. Bee.” Melissa stood up and finally noticed the two teachers glaring at her. “oh, uhh I’ll turn it in next week.” Melissa was truly out of it right now. Mr. Meeks sighed “Office, now!”
“What I did I do? If it’s about the poison im real sorry-“
Melissa defended. I laughed then shouted “Its because you made out with Mikey!” Melissa crossed her arms over her chest and said “We haven’t in three weeks.”
“Bull s**t.” Frank muttered.
“NOW!” Mr. Meeks yelled, getting angry. Mikey grabbed Melissa’s hand and they began to walk away. Mr. Meeks saw what Mikey was doing to him. “Hey, 6 points, put that finger down toaster boy!”
“It was only one time!” Melissa defended her boyfriend. “Thank you Melissa.” Mikey began to kiss her. “Hey, Hey PDA!” Mr. Meeks shouted, walking toward them, Mrs. Bumble had already left. Mikey let go of Melissa, then they took off running. Mr. Meeks ran after. “Hahah, young love how sweet.” Bob chuckled. Bridgette stood up, “Hey Bob want to come with me?”
Bob stood up “Sure, Where?”
“Down there to the track.” She replied with hopeful eyes. Bob and Bridgette made there way to it, hand in hand. Gerard leaned over and whispered to me “Hey lets leave Frank and Mandy alone together, you know.” I nodded then said while standing up “Sorry Franky, Mandy im going to the track as well; Gerard would you like to come?” I asked. Gerard joined me “Sure, Later.” He mumbled quietly. And with that we walked hand in hand down near the track. The sun was directly in the center of the sky; I’m pretty positive it’s now noon. A few more hours and then we can leave this horror filled nightmare. And not the good kind of nightmare. Gerard pulled his sunglasses off and squinted. We were both leaning against the metal fence. “So, Hi.” I muttered randomly. “Did you know im a vampire?” he asked. “Yes I did, so is Melissa.” I replied gently putting my head on his shoulder. “Yup, so want to make out?” he asked stepping toward the shadowy area of the fence. I smiled “Hell yes!” I walked over, letting Gerard corner me against it. He wrapped his arms around my waist; my hands automatically tousled his beautiful black hair. Our lips touched and it was amazing. I swear I died and flew to Heaven. Even though I am only teenager; I really think I found my one true love. “Oh my god! Yo A.J come here! These two gothic emos are making out!” we herd an annoyingly fulmar voice. Gerard and I just ignored them; we herd another really annoying voice. “And I thought Gerard was gay!” A.J. Smith yelled. I yanked away from my new boyfriend and glared “What did you just say?” It was A.J Smith and Shawn R’tard. Yes that is his last name. Shawn just smirked “What, about the Braves game last night or about you’re f** boyfriend likes to plow other dudes?”
“Oh it is so on!” I shouted, and b***h slapped Shawn as hard as I could.
Shawn gasped, lightly touching the new red hand print I planted across his face. A.J. rolled his eyes and said “Alex you’re such a pansy.” Gerard growled and punched A.J., im assuming he hit him hard because the popping noise was hard to miss. A.J. flew back onto the concert. Shawn’s eyes grew wide with fear; as Gerard crossed his arms across his chest “You want to say something about my girl?” he demanded all tuff like. “Uh, she’s fat.” Shawn gulped. My jaw dropped, pissed off even more. “Go to hell.” Gerard said cheerfully then sucker punched him in the gut. Blood and spit came flying out of his mouth. “Leave us alone!” we yelled in unison. Gerard looked at me and said shyly “Thanks.” He flipped some black hair out of his sexy hazel eyes. “You’re welcome, thank you.” I said my dirty blonde hair a mess. Gerard noticed, giggled and brushed it neatly with his hand. “Aww, what would you call this Mandy?” Frank asked. Gerard and I whipped our heads around and saw in the sunny sun: Mandy and Frank. “I’d call it love!” Mandy teased clapping her hands. I turned pink for like the billionth time today. “Actually I’d call it a trip to the office.” Mr. Meeks said suddenly appearing right behind Mandy. She jumped and slowly made her way to Frank’s side. “Now! You stupid emos always are getting into trouble.” Mr. Meeks glared at us, as we walked hand in hand to the school. “STOP LABLING!” I herd Mandy scream. Once we arrived at the office; it was like a ghost town. Basically everyone was at Field day. “Okay, we’ve been waiting here for like 15 minutes and im bored.” I stated glumly. “Where is Mikey and Melissa?” Gerard asked looking around the fancy office we sat in. The school re-did it, and dude it was way over the top. There were real black leather couches, a glass wall that over looked the front court yard. There was a glass book case covered in awards and pictures of the principles. I hate it. I sighed and replied “I don’t know, hopefully they are having fun. Tobi will do something evil now.” I walked up to the book case and pushed over a picture of Mr. Meeks. “Mwhwahaha!” I laughed evilly. Gerard smiled “Tobi is bad a**.” I nodded in agreement. “Lets go Vampire searching.” I declared. Opening the office door, Gerard caught up to me. We had looked everywhere, well almost everywhere and we couldn’t find Melissa or Mikey. “Mikey!” Gerard and I yelled together. “Melissa!” I pulled out my cell phone and pressed speed dial number two. “Teenagers scare the living s**t out of me! They could care less as long as someone will bleed!” We herd Melissa’s cell phone blare. “What the hell?” I asked, and followed the awesome song. Finally it lead us to a storage closet. “There probably making out.” Gerard rolled his eyes. He opened the door, and we saw a quite disturbing sight. “Holy s**t.” Gerard said slowly. “Alex! Gerard! Run now!” Melissa screamed. “Why?” I stood my ground firmly. “That’s why.” Gerard pointed to the left side of the hallway. “Who the hell is that?” I whispered suddenly a bit scared. Down the now darkened hallway was a pissed off looking vampire. My jaw dropped “Dracula?” I guessed aloud. Melissa and Mikey jumped out of the closet, “Get out of here now!” Mikey demanded. “I’m a half Vampire, I can stay.” Gerard said. “Yeah, but Alex isn’t, so get out of here!” Melissa shouted. Gerard grabbed me and took off. I felt like Bella from Twilight, and Gerard was Edward because he was running really, really fast. Everything was a blur; I thought I saw a teacher. But at this speed I just can’t tell. I looked up at his face. His eyes grew red and his fangs were out. He was in deep thought. “Okay, please stay here; I have to help them.” Gerard sat me down in a chair. I had to blink several times before realizing I was in a classroom. “Okay, I won’t move. Good luck.” I said. Gerard kissed me, his fangs felt like daggers, but I didn’t mind. “I love you.” He said when he let go of me. “I love you too.” I whispered softly. Gerard took off; and I was all alone in the dark classroom. Only some sunlight peeked through the window. I sighed, wanting to say something random. But I promised to keep quite and not say a word. After about 10 minutes of horrible silence; I saw the door slam. I had to cover my mouth to keep from gasping. My heart thundered and my breathing came to a halt. “I want you not to be afraid, but fear is quite beautiful.” A voice said loudly in an accent I knew was Romanian. “So my princess, he left you.” I wanted to cuss the voice out but I didn’t move or breathe. “Gerard Way, the almighty vampire who always keeps his promises.” The voice mocked. I felt a warm breath on my neck, which sent crazy chills flying down my back. “Oh sweetheart I’ll keep you warm.” The voice said seductively. I wanted to die, right then and there. But instead I shivered again. The Dracula dude stepped from behind me and grinned wickedly. I let out a high pitched squeal. Dracula dude moved my hand away from my mouth, and he chuckled “I love blue eyed humans.” He kicked the chair I was sitting on and caught me so that I was in his arms. That’s when I began to fight back; I kicked him and shouted. Of course that didn’t help. “It’s okay, it’ll be all over soon.” He brushed my hair away from my neck and opened his big mouth. I let out a blood curdling scream, as loud as I could. He just ignored me and bit down. My head swirled, darkness swept over me. I couldn’t breathe, my heart stopped. I know it did. Why aren’t I dead? I felt my heart freeze over with a painful frost. Im only a teenager and this thousand year old vamp. Is attacking me?! When will he just lay me down and suck out all my blood already? It felt as if trillions of needles shot into me. Flashes of my friend’s faces popped into my throbbing mind. First there was Frank, his sweet voice, his cute puppy eyes. He was always so funny and nice. Mandy popped up next, she was funny smart and truthful. Then Bridgette, she was awesome and real nice. Bob, funny, sarcastic and smart. Ray, I loved his hair, he was like the big brother of everyone. Lexi, she was always random and had a smile on her face. Andres, wait why the hell am I thinking about him?! Screw him; anyway, Mikey he was real sweet and funny. Melissa, she was always awesome to me. She used to draw pictures of Gerard for me. Then Gerard, I loved him with all of my heart.
I woke up an hour later; Melissa and Mikey hovering over me. “Oh my god.” Melissa gasped shock all over her face. “Please tell me I ran into a pole and that was all a dream.” I pleaded. Mikey bit his lip with his fangs and gulped. “Gerard?” I shot up from the ground I laid upon, and looked around. Gerard was leaning on the classroom’s wall, with a real painful look on his face. As if I really died or something. “Uh, Alex, here.” Melissa tossed me her cell phone. “Why do I need this?” Melissa looked down, Mikey answered for her “Look at you’re reflection.” He said slowly. I slid the phone up and stared at the black screen. My eyes were blood red and I had fangs. I gasped “Holy s**t, im a vampire.” Melissa shook her head, then stood up “Come on Mikey, we better go lie to the others about where we’ve been.” Mikey and Melissa rushed out. I glanced at Gerard, he walked over to me. “Hello.” I said for some odd reason. “Hi.” Gerard muttered. “Did you kill him?” I asked about the Dracula dude who turned me. Gerard sighed and shook his head. “No, he ran off after he well, turned you.” He said sadly. Gerard seems real upset, I wonder what’s wrong. “I feel a bit dizzy.” I lied, hoping Gerard would carry me. Gerard picked me up and held me close. Yes! It worked. “Thank you.” I kissed him on the cheek. He smiled a small smile “You’re welcome.”
He carried me down the hallway; being a vamp. And all I have good hearing. I over herd two teachers talking about the Field trip we were going on in three weeks. “Hmm, the museum of Death.” I wondered aloud. Sounds awesome just by the name. “Can’t wait to go.” I laughed. Gerard joined my laughter. Together, we walked back out to the field.
- by XxHimeofMCRxX |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 03/05/2009 |
- Skip

- Title: Field Day
- Artist: XxHimeofMCRxX
- Description:
- Date: 03/05/2009
- Tags: fielddayvampires
- Report Post
Comments (2 Comments)
- Thorn Of The Sky - 03/27/2009
- Really cool!As always!
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- -Luna-Forever love- - 03/08/2009
- haha my chemical romance names love it!
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