• Hinr felt himself shiver. Never had he been in such a cold place. The cave reeked with the smell of fear. "I'LL GET OUT OF HERE IF IT'S THE LAST THING I DO!!!" he said, hardly knowing if he whispered or yelled. Looking around, he started off walking with his hands forward. When he reached the first wall, he turned right. Eventually, he thought he saw dim light, and it was getting warmer. Hinr knew what to do. He rushed towards the light, which led to a field. He looked around, trying to find the portal he had built. When he saw it, he jumped in. As soon as he got out of the other side, he froze. His blood ran cold. Surrounding him were members of a street gang called "Torment". They were holding pipes and baseball bats. "Oh no..." moaned Hinr, as the group started to close in on him. "So long, Hinr." he heard a voice say. He knew who that was. But before he could say anything, he was knocked out.