• Why Was I Chosen To Survive...And Everyone Else To Die...I Have These Powers That No One Could Ever Imagine..... I could Run At The Speed Of Light, I could See What No One Else Could See, And I could Read Peoples Minds. I'm Sitting in my Room In The Dark, I looked at the mirror.... I saw my Black And White School Uniform, My Shoulder Lengh Brown Hair, and my Dark Blue eyes.I Heard a gulping sound. I Ran up stairs to look out the window. I saw this Dude biting this girls neck. I couldn't help but scream...So i screamed. The dude looked at me. He was Tall, He Had Short Silver Spikey Hair, And He Was Wearing A Black Baggy Shirt, And Over-Sized Black Jeans. I suddenly Saw Him Putting His Left Pale Hand On The Door. How Did He get there so fast? I heard loud footsteps climbing up the stairs. I took a deep breath and ran into the nearest closet. It was dark.. I was scared. I shivered."Whoosh!" The door swong open. It was a vampire, Yes The One With The Silver Hair. "Hi" the vampire said holding out his hand."Hi". I said taking a step back. He took a step closer and said "I'm Still Thirsty.""Are You a good or bad vampire?" I said Bumping into the Wall."Your About to find out." He said showing his sharp, Bloody fangs. I Put My Head Down And Scanned the floor. I saw a Stake. I picked up the Stake and said "Stay Away!" "Have You been watching to many Buffy Movies? Nothing Kills Vampires." He Said starting to laugh."Oh.." I said My eyes turning wet.. "Im Mark.." Mark said. I just looked away trying not to consentrate on my back on a freezing wall. Then This vampire came and tackled Mark to the floor. Mark struggled to get up. "Run!" The other Vampire Said. I Nodded and fled The closet, then out of the house....

    To Be Countinued..........