• Twin Arrows

    In the city of Sierra lived twin boys named Kody and Alix. One day as Kody and Alix were playing in the front yard a huge tank pulled up. "Run Alix" Kody shouted. "I think I can see that Kody" Alix replied. The twins ran inside forgetting that their mother had gone to the store to buy some apples for the picnic they were going to have.

    "MOM" Shouted Kody. "WAIT! Mom left" Alix shot back. The people in the tank were coming. Kody and Alix ran to their mom's room and opened up a container under their mom's bed.

    In the container there was two bows and some arrows. The boys ran upstairs to their room and put pillows under their covers making it look like they were hiding. The enemies walked in. They started unloading their guns on the pillow. "Why are feathers coming out?" one enemy asked. "We have been tricked by 11 year olds" another enemy added.

    Kody came from behind the door and shot one enemy with an arrow. The other enemy turned towards Kody and Alix came up and shot him with an arrow.

    The Jutus (enimies) were catching the house on fire. Kody and Alix went out the window and on the roof. Alix foot fell through the roof. "Kody wait," Alix said. "I got you," Kody said. Kody lifted Alix out and the boys went down a ladder. They ran to the Dranor Forest.

    There they met two boys that were living in the forest for a long time. Their name's were Hayden and Max. Kody and Alix told them what had happened and Hayden and Max let them stay with them in their tents. "Thanks you guys are very nice" Kody said. "Well, our parents were captured by the Jutus and we are on a journey to get to their base and free our parents. "Kody do you have your cellphone," asked Alix. "Hell yeah. I will call mom," Kody called his mom. "Hello Kody" said the mom through the phone. "MOM! I have so much to tell you," saod Kody. "Save it. I am in a tank with them they are taking me to one of the camps," their mom said. "Put that phone away," an enemy said to the mom. Their mom hung up. We have got to get to the base.

    The four boys set off through the forest for two days. They saw the base but they had guards guarding it. Kody shot one with an arrow. Alix shot another. They grabbed the enemies' swords and shields. The put on the Jutus outfit and pretended that Hayden and Max were prisoners.

    "Go on through," said one guard. When they got in the building they ran to each cell and let every prisoner out. They did not find their parents though. "Where are they?" asked Kody. "I do not know," replied Hayden. "Kody and Alix?" said a questioned voice. It was their dad. "Dad," Kody said. "You should not be here," said their dad. "We are looking for mom," Alix said. "HAHAHHAHA you little devils you will never find her. Our security is better....." said their dad before he got cut off by Kody. "What do you mean our security?" asked Kody. "I am a Jutus." replied their dad. Hayden had snuck behind him and stabbed him through the back. "What the F**K?" screamed Alix. "Alix, in this world you have to be careful who you hang out with," said Max. "He was our dad," Kody said. "I was not talking about your father, I was talking about me and Hayden, the rulers of the Jutus." said Max. "No. Shut up!" Alix shouted back. Kody took out and arrow and placed it in his bow. "Kody, you idiot. You can not kill us both. You shoot your brother will die," said Hayden. Kody knew how to make and arrow split in half when shot. He pulled back the elastic and let go. He hit both Hayden and Max through the head. "Let's go find mom," Kody said. "Maybe we can look for Hayden and Max's parents too," said Alix. "Alix, how stupid can you get?" asked Kody. The boys ran up and down the base and did not find their mom.

    "Kody, where does this door go to," asked Alix. The boys walked in and saw a picture of their mom. Kody found some writing on the back that said "Maria Manor, We love you more than anything." "Dad must of wrote that after she died." said Alix. "Well that can only mean one thing Alix." said Kody. "What?" asked Alix. "Mom is dead," replied Kody.