• Chapter 9: A Little Piece Of Heaven

    Forgive Me

    Chapter Eight: A Little Piece of Heaven

    Written By: Rubedos Benevolent Charm

    Disclaimer: I only own the fanfic. I borrowed ideas, but I changed them so no one would notice.


    For some time, chaos refused to speak the words that were strewn across the pages. His body was shaking, heart stopping and fluttering. He was nervous. ....Blood drained from his cheeks.

    "Are you sure you want to hear the rest?" he asked, grip tightening on the leather-bound pages.

    Jr. nodded, laying on his tummy, cupping his chin with his hands. "Of course... It helps me sleep... And you know as well as I do that I can't understand Latin very well." he ensured chaos, holding one of the angel's pillows to his face.

    chaos bit his lip, wishing he hadn't said anything.

    "Well, the servant, who dearly loved his master, was only doing these things as the Prince's brother would not kill the one he held dear." chaos began, his emotions settling back to that time and that place. "He knew, with the order of which his master neglected to follow, to survive, his master was steadily going to die."


    "Wait!" Jr interrupted.

    "Yes?" chaos asked, not looking up from the book, as Jr would see his tears if he did so.

    "So, he wasn't eating or sleeping because of his servant?" he asked, reaching out to touch chaos' shoulder. Jr jumped back when he saw chaos' tears were abnormal, crimson, not the clear silver he was used to.

    "Wh-What's going on?" Jr gasped.

    "I don't want to talk about it..." chaos calmly said, as he held the book closer to his face.

    "....Alright...." Jr sighed, relaxing into the pillow again. chaos didn't want to talk about anything anymore... Not like he really did before... But it'd really help if chaos opened up to him a little when he needed it.


    Rubedo had quickly caught an illness. He ate grapes, drank water, and rested, to stop chaos' worrying. The boy's breath was becoming slower and more steady as he continued to sleep. chaos was given a break from the beatings, as Albedo was getting bored of it while the angel merely worried for Rubedo's health. Albedo would pick up on the beatings again when his brother had gotten better.

    chaos slept at Rubedo's side, watching his master wither away.

    "Please, I'm begging you... Let him go..." chaos cried to the heavens, pleading as he attempted to thwack the demons away from Rubedo. The white reaper sat there, slowly feeding on his life as chaos watched the silver life flow like a river from his open mouth.

    A dove perched at Rubedo's bed, the symbol for him going in peace. But was there any happy way to leave your body?

    "chaos..." a voice said from behind him.

    chaos looked around, getting up to look at what he couldn't see over his shoulder.

    Rubedo was frowning. His eyes were saddened, as he shook his head. It was too late.

    "Why... Why are you sad?" chaos asked, his body full of numbness, yet, he was so distressed.

    "I can't..." the spirit said, trailing off.

    "You can't what?" chaos beseeched, dropping to his knees... It wasn't real... It was just a dream... He could sleep it off and hope his Master hadn't died.

    "I can't... love you." the spirit spoke tenderly, as though he wasn't the one dieing. To him, chaos was breakable in so many ways... like the shattered glass sky. Rubedo only wanted to fix him, hold him with care... Tell him everything was going to be alright.

    That was it. chaos broke down at the gentle words. "Yes! You can! Please live!" he implored, crimson tears rolling down his angel smashed a fist to the floor a few times until it throbbed enough for him to need to touch his forehead to the marble. "Please! I'm begging you to live!"

    Rubedo bent down, touching chaos' shoulders. "It's okay.... I will be here with you forever... Only if you want me to be." he said to the angel, cooing peaceful, soothing words into the angel's ear. "I'll be with you as long as you want..."

    "Master, it would never work out between us... I'm an angel cursed to be in this realm, and you're a spirit?" chaos sobbed, tears falling to the floor. "How will I explain to Albedo that you're... dead? How... can I continue... to live like this?"

    "Think positive. Get every journal we every wrote, and escape Rome. I'll be with you when you do." Rubedo soothed, rubbing chaos' back with his translucent hands. "Don't forget rations. You need to eat, unlike myself."


    chaos did as told and gathered all of the journals... There were only two or three... But they were special. It was chaos' life in Rome... His life with Rubedo... Tip-toeing to the kitchen to get a vine of grapes, chaos gathered a cloth and put his rations inside. It was probably going to be a long journey.

    Rubedo's spirit was waiting at the gates of Rome. "We need to head north-west to Tucsania, where they have a small town called Florence." he said positively. It was though he'd never left his body...

    "Alright... Please lead the way." chaos requested, "I can't read these compasses."

    Rubedo pointed to the upper-left side of the glass. "We need to go that way... when the red arrow's facing that way, we're in the right direction." he explained.

    chaos stared at the glass, holding onto the books and the rations in a leather bag. "So... To Florence..." he repeated, walking through the gates of Rome, to start his new life with his dead master.


    "Waitasec!" Jr huffed, as he was half-asleep, and didn't want to open his eyes. "So, that's it?"

    "Pretty much..." chaos shrugged, letting the flow of tears hit his white pants. "They got married. The end."

    "...Yeah right. He's a ******** spirit. The servant can't marry a spirit." Jr sighed, letting out a little yawn.

    "Go to sleep Jr. You need it." he said, petting the boy's red hair to help him sleep. Crimson mixed in with the mess of red, and Jr would see it when he got a shower later.


    "...Where am I?" Jr asked, looking around, seeing a vividly beautiful town... Olive vines were growing everywhere... "Where is this?"

    "Florence." a voice told Jr. "This is the town chaos and I ran away to so many years ago..."

    "Who are you? Show yourself!"

    A spitting image of Jr stepped from behind a brick home that had an olive vine growing into the of side of the home. "I am you... You are myself. We live separately. But chaos has only found that out moments ago... before he started reading about our past."

    "Our... You mean... I was chaos' master?!" he exclaimed, pressing a hand to his own chest, leaning forward a bit. "What do I have to do with chaos?"

    Rubedo shook his head. "Everything. Albedo was as violent and chaotic as he is now... Maybe more... Because, do you remember the nightmare you had after he read about the time he was nearly beaten to death? Marble. Albedo was breaking chaos' bones with a block of marble. It's deadly to him, and he's deathly scared of our brother."

    "Our... brother..? You mean the man from back then... is Albedo?"

    "You catch on slowly." Rubedo sighed. "Yes, it's your infant soul that attracted me to this host body. It's the very same for Albedo."

    "You mean, you and Albedo were twins back and and are now?" Jr repeated, hoping he was getting this right.

    "Exactly." Rubedo explained, "Now, let me show you around Florence before you wake up and think you had a bad dream."

    "Alright... Just this once."

    "I'm going to be within you for the rest of your life. You need to deal with having a spirit taking over every once and a while..." Rubedo smirked.

    Jr tensed up. "Does this mean you'll..."

    "I'll what?" the spirit's smirk widened.

    "You know? ... Do that kind of thing with my body?"

    "Well, I never had the chance to... And I always wanted chaos to be my first." Rubedo laughed.

    "Can... I look around? You can talk to chaos if you want..."

    "We need to be on the same wavelength for Florence to exist in our mind. You've never been there, so the wavelength would break, leaving you alone in your own mind, lost." Rubedo explained, "Let's go to a place where I can meet you later."

    "The Durandal.. I need to see Mary and Shelly." Jr suggested, crossing his arms.

    "Alright. That works, since we've both been there."

    Florence fizzeled out like static, and the Bridge of the Durandal appeared.


    "Yeshua..." Rubedo said, wrapping his arms around chaos from behind. "Tell me... Are you still trying to repent over my death?"

    "Why did you take over?" chaos asked, crossing his arms, his hands holding Jr's.

    "The boy let me... I told him a little about our past, not enough to make him figure everything out..." Rubedo said, nipping at chaos' neck, sucking a little at the skin.

    chaos let out a moan. "Mmm... Why? Why tell him?" chaos groaned, moving his neck aside to let Rubedo give him the mark he wanted.

    "It was only little stuff, like how I'm him, and he's myself. And also, how Albedo had taken over this boy's twin's body.. and how I could never make you mine..." Rubedo replied through nips at the tanned skin.

    "And what exactly does that mean?" chaos questioned, unwanted moans escaping his throat as Jr's magical mouth was enough to lean his head back on the bed and let the rest of his body fall limp.

    Rubedo chuckled. "I... never got to make you my first..." he soothed into chaos' ear. "Now.. Come on up... There's more than enough room..."

    chaos rose to his feet, tugging a little at his shoulder, to make sure he wouldn't collapse...

    "Now, come to me Yeshua." Rubedo calmly said, scooting so that his angel had enough room.

    This was it... Was it the moment of truth... Rubedo, no, Master Rubedo wanted him... and what was this feeling he got in his stomach? Guilt for never telling his master how he felt... Using Jr.'s body... to help release some of the tension he felt over the years... Oh, he wanted Rubedo back... He really did, but it made him feel guilty, for using Jr. like this.

    chaos sat on the bed, discarding his thoughts. He'd feel guilty later, as Jr would forgive him... If given enough time and the right circumstances.

    "Forgive me, Jr." chaos quietly said, as Rubedo used Jr.'s hands to claw away the shirts chaos wore to bind the white wings to his back.

    "He's alright with it... I told him..." the spirit whispered, removing three or four shirts and a mess of bandages. They... weren't there. The wings were ...gone. "What.. happened?"

    chaos shook his head. "Twenty-eight years ago, they.. got cut off..." the servant explained. "I was given a new chance as a human... and I helped out your dad, and helped Nigredo kill him."

    "Idiot!" Rubedo yelled. "Dad's alive now! He's alive in Nigredo!"

    "I'm sorry... Forgve me..."

    Rubedo held chaos close. "Just don't do this kind of thing again in my afterlife, alright?" he asked, stroking the mop of silver hair, holding chaos' skin close to his t-shirt. Feeling chaos shake, Rubedo looked down at the angel, who was silently crying. He still lives for my permission..

    "Yeshua... let it all out."

    "....Yes..." chaos sobbed, crimson staining Jr's shirt, his own face, and the cyan eyes he'd always had.


    Rubedos Benevolent Charm's notes:

    Oh Gawd! I went half-way into the next chapter! Hope you guys can forgive me! Sorry about the bad pun...