• For the next few days it was peaceful at the Broken Sword, everything went by without any sort of problem until one day Fenrir said he wanted to talk to Kida. He led her to his room and as she closed the door behind her he started to talk, “Kida, it’s coming soon, the Day of Judgment.” She replied, stunned, “When, how long until it happens?” For a few moments he was silent but then said, “It will begin in seven days.” Kida stood there, shocked, she turned to leave the room but Fenrir grabbed her by the arm and pulled her close to him. She looked up at him and she saw a single tear, like the brightest star on his cheek, she wiped it away and said in a concerned voice, “Why are you crying?” He answered, “It’s nothing, I was just thinking.” As they stood there in each other’s arms they both heard a commotion coming from the tavern. They both walked into the room and saw Shelok’s soldiers in there making a commotion. Kida sighed and under her breath she said, “There back again.” She walked up to them and asked them what they wanted and then quickly got them their drinks. As the day wound on, the soldiers became louder and increasingly violent. Kida walked up to them and politely asked them to quiet down as they were disturbing everyone else, one of the soldiers stood and raised his armored hand and struck Kida, she fell to the floor and immediately Fenrir was in front on the soldier with his sword at his throat. Fenrir uttered a low growl as he said to the frightened soldier, “Big mistake, boy.” He then picked the soldier up and threw him across the tavern and out a window, the other soldiers drew their blades but Fenrir felt the Angelus in him take over. Fenrir’s body began to change before the soldiers’ and Kida’s eyes, his hair turned white and flowed down to his waist, white wings sprouted from his shoulder blades, his skin assumed a golden hue, his eyes turned electric blue, a broadsword made of adamant formed out of thin air and his voice seemingly came from everywhere. He said to the soldiers, “Behold, I am the Angelus, the angel of vengeance. You shall all pay for your sins.” He raised his sword over his head and swept it in front of the soldiers, one by one the soldiers burst into flames and were immediately incinerated. Kida stood slowly and walked over to Fenrir as he reverted to his original form, Fenrir fell to the ground but Kida caught him, he looked up at her and smiled weakly, “I never get used to changing.” As they held each other they didn’t notice one of the people in the tavern sneak out and make her way toward Shelok’s castle. The woman walked into the throne room and bowed before the empress. Shelok asked, “So, what have you found out, my sister?” The woman replied, “Apparently he has fallen in love with a human woman named Kida.” Shelok dismissed the woman and sat on her throne in thought, “So, it begins again, he will soon unleash the Harbinger and I will be there to siphon the soul of the Harbinger and take its power as my own.”