• "Tom! Oh Tommmmm!" yelled an old woman who was still very pretty. "Oh he's with Hucleberry again!" she told this other woman who was very older. " How's Bessie, that Tom has talked about?" asked the first woman. "Oh very fine Polly, but they are already talking about marrige!" said the second woman. "Yes I know, it sounds very cute that they are already for it Emily" Polly said.

    " Look Huckie a trout!" said a young boy. " Yeah a anouther side-wander ready to be eaten" said Huck. "Yeah I a-" started Tom. "Hi Tom!" said "to be Mrs. Sawer". "Hi Bessie" said Tom. "My Aunt Em wants to meet you, and you can meet my dog To-to." said Bessie.

    They talked a little and Bessie left.

    "Huck why don't you have a girl" asked Tom. "Cause I don' have a heart, oh and hand me that ax so I can cut down this here tree.

    A storm started and rain fell down...