• as zetori was crossing the field he saw a trigram cow crossing a stream he took out his Anglican lazier and fired it hit the cow dead on it was like a movie. he walked over to the cow and thought about when he was an earth the memories before he was a spiter bug. he was a normal human with a life a wife and a record label with tikki tones the hottest place in Hawaii but that all changed when he received a demo tape of a artist named young j-tizzle. it was the greatest thing he had ever herd but there was a note on the tape saying to deliver the tape back it by hand if he had deal with zetori. so zetori did as the note said he went to find tizzle so he decided to walk to his house in the mountains. but for some reason he decided to walk as he was walking to tizzles front door he heard a crash. he ran to the crash site the only thing he saw was a strange gloving rock red as a ruby shiny as a diamond it had some sort of crazy writing on it he took the stone went back to tizzles front door and left to his car as he was driving he noticed that the ball was now a watch he put the watch on a spun the ball and then out of nowhere he and his car were gone he entered the new realm the realm of avalantia but little did he know it the out of nowhere a bullet came flying through his wind shield he closed his eyes then time froze........

    what hppens to our here find out next chapter.....but for now L8R