• With you beside me, I feel like I'm on Cloud 9. heart
    Your skin is so smooth and I never want to let you go. With your head on my chest and your arm around my body, I would fight off the world just to spend more time with you. Your lips on mine feel so soft and tender. It's late in the afternoon and I haven't been home since last night. You tell me that my family is worried sick and that I should go home or at least call to tell them that I'm okay. My phone isn't charged so I decide that I will go home and tell them. "I'll be right back,'' I whispered in your ear. As I get up, I trip on my shirt and you giggle. My heart starts to float because your laugh is so cute.
    When I walk out the door of your house, I feel so cold and bare because you are not with me. As I step onto the street, a car comes rushing by and barely misses me.I walk further and a bus rams me in my side and then I'm on the ground, gasping for air. The bus driver comes to my side and screams for help. Your come running out the door with tears streaming down your face.Everything starts to go black and I think that my greatest fear is coming true.

    My greatest fear is not dying, my greatest fear is not ever again being able to experience...