• Prologue:

    There’s a place were people don’t get seriously hurt, they vanish. There are trinkets that give people power over themselves and other things. This is a story of them and the reason for their trinkets.


    Jamie walked down the street. The new rings she found in the shop, which she works at, just sitting there on the counter. When she putted them on, they fit perfectly. But when she tried to take them off, she couldn’t. So she shrugged and continued to work. She went home early that day and when she got home, it was a mess, which her cat makes everyday. She closed her eyes and took a deep breath. She knew she had to clean it up, but she wished she had some help.
    Then there was an intense pain down her spin like she was being split apart. Then when the pain stopped she opened her eyes and she saw herself standing in front of her.
    “Let’s get this stuff cleaned up,” The double spoke, “Come on we don’t have all day.” The women soon blacked out, hearing whispers in the dark distance.
    She woke with a start; she heard a crash and looked around the room. Her double was making coffee in the kitchen and she had dropped something that shattered on the floor. “That clumsy smart mouth” she murmured as she slipped on her black cloths.
    As she walked up to the double, she was sweeping up the broken shattered pieces from the cup she dropped. The smart mouth said “The cup committed suicide.” Jamie walked into the kitchen and looked at the double, She said to her double as she was setting down. “Ha ha vary funny now clean it up and go away.” “Ya ok your highness.” She said then saluted and vanished. Jamie got up and made some tea that was the last of the coffee she bout. It was the last of it she could find in a can. So she decided to go and get the food processor. It was a machine that allowed you get any thing to your food and the ingredient and any thing else, you want to do your food. So she got her shoes on and went to the store. On her way she saw lots of people but hay didn’t seem to notice her but she didn’t mind. She didn’t want people to notice her today any way. The thought of some one watching her, a person how has the ability that most people would freak out if they saw. When she got the mettle box just big enough to fit a basketball in it. She trend it over in her hands and examined it. She asked the man how to in stall it. But he just gave her a look that made her think the man thought she was crazy. So to avoid suspicion she just left. Shed figure it out when she got home. On her way home she stopped at the big processors the ones that any one can use. She decides to have an egg sandwich with bacon. Thin a hot one came out of the slot. It was wrapped it plastic and it was difficult to unwrap with the box in her hands. It was still hot when she got it open. She got tired of caring it and made her way into an ally. Then she made a double to carry it for her as she ate her sandwich. When she left the ally she saw a man in white staring at her. She looked around but no one else even glanced at her. When she looked back he was gone. She got a chill down her spine and continued home. When she got there she opened the door for her double this one she thought of as the whiny annoying one. “This box is heavy” complained the double. “Why do your think your caring it.” She retorted annoyed. She opened the door and held it open for her. She cared it to the counter and set it down. Then turned and complained “Your not even going to let me eat any thing are you?” “Well your me and I’m u so when I eat u eat so yes I’m letting you eat.” The double gave her a look and vanished finally she thought and examined the box to see how to hook it up. She saw a button and pushed it thin the box unfolded and it contained a screen and what looked like a microwave door on it. So she decide to get some thing more to eat the sand witch was just to tide her over until the F.P. was up and running. She got her self some sweet and sour chicken on bed of rice, with a chocolate shake. It was delicious.