• Grace was a simple child.However she was not like other teenagers her age she was pale and very tiny due to a very early birth that almost killed her.She is also however extremely clever
    but another unfortunate thing is she has no chance to show it for she is a orphan child.Her mom died giving birht and her dad was said to have died of a broken heart .We all know orphanages aren't the best at offering knowledge because sadly they have a million to many kids and little ones needed more attention than fourteen year olds such as Grace.So she had a superb plan to run away so that no-one would see her as a burden anymore.She would steal away the darkness night offers and begone in the streets of Miami and stow away to the everglades. It wouldn't be to hard and is someone magically caught her she would say she needed fresh air take scolding and carry out her plan a night later. However as predicted she did not get caught as night came and she made her slip out the door.She was halway there too when bam out of no-where a pair of two men stopped her. They looked at her thoughtfully and snickered a crewl twisted smile.Then bang it hit her she really needed to get out of there and quick. "Excuse me"she said the first man said "Your excused" but kept the evil grin on his face and as she tried to walk by them the first man snacthed her wrist and drug her into the alley followed by the second man. There they started to laugh manically she tried to break free but she couldn't and they struck her hard across the face.She let out a loud shriek that no-one unless they had super hearing could have heard at this time of night. They continued to hit her yelling for her to be quiet ,then finally she fell slightly unconscious.She knew she had no hope but then out of no where a tall man stepped and was beating the two men as if though they where no more than half a man together.She couldn't believe it when she saw him kill the first one so she jerked up off the ground so quick no-one noticed. However what stuck her the most was when the man bite the second man and drained him to death. Her mind was screaming "get out of here"
    but by the time the the second man's body dropped the other man was full aware that she was alive,but by then he also realized that she knew what he was...a vampire! He walked colsely over to her but she quickly scooted back. until she hit the back of the alley wall.Then he slowed his pace and when he finally got to her she saw him for the first time. He had red hair slightly fluffed,deep green eye,middle height,middle aged human wise,and appeared human but she knew all to well by now he wasn't. He gently knelt beside her touching her head where she has been bruised . She flinched the minute he did so and managed to bruise the back of her head
    as she rammed her head in the back of the wall tring to keep away from hm.He looked her in the eyes then did so again as if to say this ig going to happen weather either of us like it or not.What it was he wanted from her at the time she was not sure it could have been life,or the unthinkable s of which the previous men attempted. Then as if he read her thoughts he said "I would never hurt you like that" his voice hit her so clearly to her it sounded mystical. She inched her head slowly off the brick wall and said "how can I trust you?" he said "Because I've loved you all my life even thought you haven't seen me I've been there all the time." She looked deep in his eyes and said "who are you?" "A friend of your parents" he replied. Then he ran his hand up and down her neck and she gasped at the touch of his icy cold hands. He said"I know you have suffered and this will hurt but please say you love me enough to trust me." She didn't know him for more than a second but she knew she loved him and so she said "I trust you" He placed her in his arms,tilted her head slightly, and placed a kiss before he engaged his fangs within he blood stream. They both moaned at their pleasure his was her blood and her was the relief of life.She was barely hanging on when he pulled up from her and slit his wrist to give her his blood to allow her to be with him locked n love forever.