• My lif3 aint that gr3at.When p3opl3 say th3y wish th3y wh3r3 m3...its only b3caus3 th3y know th3 dr3am m3...th3 li3s i t3ll to g3t most p3opl3 to lik3 m3...i dont want to li3...but 3v3ryon3 has th3r3 n33ds...RIGHT???...th3r3 is a f3w fri3nds...no...mak3 that my b3stfri3nds...that know M3...NOT TH3 DR3AM M3...that girl i try to b3...th3 pr3p...3WWWW!!!!!!!.......th3 s3cr3t is.....i am what i am....3mo....or in oth3r words...th3 3motional fr3ak,th3 on3 who w3ars black,CUTS H3R S3LF?!?!?!?!(NO!N3V3R!!!) Y3A!!NIC3 GUYZ!!!Mak3 fun of th3 on3 that is hurt...brok3n...th3 on3 who wants...N33DS lov3...my b3sti3s know how it r3ally is...my lif3 is a living h3ll...dont b3li3v3 m3?!?!?!?!?! thats okay...think what you want to think...only i know that th3 dr3am m3 is just a dr3am....thats all it will 3v3r b3...