• On one friday night on October 13 2001. A girl named Jenna has her first sleep over. Its her birthday she has just turned 12. She has her friends Lexi and Emina over. But her mom and dad had to go to the store to get tem food. They leave and now there home alone. They decide to go and play some games. So Lexi and Emina go downstairs to get the games. While Jenna gets them a peanut and jelly sandwich and something to drink. But then her friends have been gone awhile so she calls "Lexi Emina what are you guys doing down there"
    She gets the response of a "TAP...TAP...TAP"
    She goes to her phone to call her parents but they don't anwser. So she went to the phone and calls 911.
    They tell her if she heres it again to call them again. So she goes back to call them to see where they are. The same response "TAP...TAP...TAP"
    She goes to te phone and calls 911 again. They tell her to "Get out of the house i'm sending the police right now"
    20 minutes later the police come. They come in the house and go downstairs.........
    They found a murder sitting there with a knife and the two girls hanging from a pipe dead.
    They told her that he came through the window and the tapping was the guy tapping his knife against a pipe. She was told that she had done the right thing. To this day the guy is in jail facing death role.
    But during the two girls funerals the murder was hid in the forest next to the cenetary. After the funeral the girl decided to stay behind to give a quick pray. Then the murder jumped out killed her.
    10 minutes later the mom came and found the murder next to Jenna's dead body and all he had to say was "Pay backs a b***h"