• Chapter Seven: A question, who?

    Stars. Sparkling in realms on high, lighting the night with the help of the moon. Many say the moon is a shy and cold, Siderexina thought on the contrary that the moon is a beautiful, proud thing that gives secret lovers the chance to express to eachother their passionate fires.

    On this particular night it was after the first day of term at Hogwarts School of witchcraft and Wizardry. Sid was sitting in a corner of Dumbledore’s office when Snape was fuming at the headmaster about a pupil that had not impressed Severus much.
    “Mediocre, arrogant as his father, a determined rule-breaker, delighted to find himself famous...”

    The rest was a blur to her; a student here was famous, for what? Whoever he was, he sounded simply rotten to her. After Severus’ and Albus’ interview, a question was burning inside her throat like a frog ready to jump out.
    “Who were you talking about to Uncle Albus?” asked Siderexina.
    “One, Dumbledore is not your uncle and two; you shouldn’t be listening to other people’s conversation.” Answered Snape.
    “That still hasn’t answered my question Dad.”
    “And again, I am not your father. Your mother was out of her mind and thought that I was your father so she abandoned you with me,” answered Severus again with a cool voice.
    “What gave her that idea?”
    “I... This... This conversation is now over.”
    Still burning with curiosity about this unknown boy, Sid pondered on what she was to do tomorrow and how to find out who this boy was. A thought came to her as fast a snitch taking off. Why not spy on him?

    The next day, Sid woke up at the crack of dawn, got dressed and ran to the kitchen for breakfast. After thanking the house elves for the scrumptious morning meal, she disappeared with a flick of her wand. Now, breakfast for the rest of the school was raging upstairs. Naturally Sid thought he’d be up there. He was indeed up there. Everyone was, but which one was he? Scanning the Great Hall she remembered he had to be a first year. Looking at the smaller students she wished there was a big flashing arrow above his head. Her eyes searched the Slytherin and found a blonde boy in particular among a group of students who seemed to be the centre of attention. Then a doubt filled her head, he was Slytherin, her father no matter how cruel would hate a member of his own house. Shaking her head she looked towards the other tables. On the Hufflepuff table she found a popular boy but he looked too old. Ravenclaw... nope. Gryffindor had a few popular people among them like a pair of ginger twins that an audience of giggling pupils around them, they looked too old though. Another group was around another first year that was also being laughed at, but unfortunately for the wrong reason. This boy’s legs had been tied together with a binding charm. Unable to put up with his feeble squirms, she flicked her wand to remove the spell. A little along the table, a large crowd was surrounding another first year boy, with a lightning bolt scar on his head, so she wasn’t the only one with embarrassing features.
    “Harry! The Dark Lord gave you that scar right?” asked the boy that she freed before.
    “You’re sooooo slow Neville,” frowned another first year.
    Another girl with bushy brown hair scowled the other and turned away from them, burying her nose in a book as she ladling cereal into her mouth. The rest of the group continued to badger the lightning bolt Harry about how famous he was. She knew from that instant that this was the man. She sat down on an empty end of a bench trying to listen to the conversation nearby. However a bell nearby rung to say that first lesson was going to start in five minutes. Sighing she walked away. When Harry got up, Neville asked what their lesson was, patiently Harry reminded him it was charms next. Perfect. Professor Flitwick was just passing by. When she caught up with him, she asked politely to be in the lesson. Smiling up at the invisible Sid, he agreed to take her to the lesson.

    This lesson, Sid soon found out was a lesson where they would learn how to levitate an object. Both Slytherin and Gryffindor were in the same class, this Sid thought was a bad idea considering their reputation together. After Flitwick set them off to practise the charm themselves, he turned to Sid to help watch the student to see that they didn’t fail too miserably. She couldn’t do much about that, for they were all hopeless apart from the girl with the bushy hair who was just arguing with a ginger boy who looked just like the twins at breakfast. Her attention was not on them however, Harry was doing the same as everyone else, making the same mistake over and over again. She felt tempted to whisper how to pronounce properly in his ear, but restrained herself not to. The girl with the bushy hair was by now confidently floating a feather high above everyone’s head. Now bored of watching the students she studied her own volume on charms called “N.E.W.T’s Charms level six.” Charming a crow to be silent was easy to her, as a single crow was crooning outside the window. The bell rang again to signify the end of this lesson and the start of a new one. The class flooded outside the classroom as well as Sid, trying to keep Harry in site. With a swish of his robes, he disappeared into the defence of the dark arts classroom. Again with the Slytherin and few Hufflepuff and Ravenclaw pupils. Professor McGonagall wasn’t as jolly about Sid appearing in the lesson but accepted her none the less. The end of that lesson had also come somewhat quickly. Now a break would take place. The sun was shining and Sid had a sneaking suspicion that harry would be outside. Indeed he was out in the sun meaning she had to sit in the shade to avoid detection, she may have been invisible but there are other traces, like shadows for instance. Staying under the castles shadows wasn’t necessarily a pleasant experience due to another ginger, Gryffindor was kissing another Gryffindor girl. Sid felt slightly disgusted at how open they were, surely they could do it in private. Either way, her concentration was more focused on Harry Potter. After these questions and requests to see the scar, Potter still looked baffled at all the attention. Obviously not used to attention, Sid mused. As the day rolled on, Siderexina developed more of a character of Harry. When the day finally did draw to a close Sid only came to the conclusion that Harry was merely taken aback by his new, grand surroundings, and that he now had friends...Friends, the greatest thing to have in the whole world. That night, Siderexina Snape fell asleep as soon as her head touched the pillow.