• center of the Earth chapter one: one shiny bright morning a kid named Dan age 17 woke up and went for a daily walk then he saw a lage man standing up on a box speaking very loudly everyone started crowed up and Dan rushed over and tried to listen to the large guy the guy said EVERYONE EVERYONE i need two more people to go to travel to the....center of the Earth ther was a silent in the crowed all you could hear is whipering thourgh the crowed then a guy laughed he said yeah right! there is no center of the Earth but i will go just to have a little fun! then ok said the large man one more person i will go
    a gasp thourgh the crowed who are you said the large man. me im Dan do you have permission i...i...have no parents they died but im going anyway! ok said the large man we will meet at central post tomarrow in the towns office