• Chapter 2

    I stared at her in shock. She was my favorite sister, but right now, it wasn't helping her.
    "What the hell did you just say?" I gasped, shock making me breathless. My family was walking down towards the car, but I paid it no mind.
    "I know you love him, Fayne. You just don't know it." Elinore sighed, then settled into her seat.
    "The hell I do!" I jumped out of the car, running full sprint into the forest.
    I paid no attention to the passing scenery, or where my feet were taking me. I just hoped it was far away from here.
    There was no way that I was in love with David, a total mortal.
    No way.
    I pushed my way through a pair of tree's blocking my way, scraping my skin with the branches. I healed almost instantly after the cuts apeared.
    I tried to run faster, outrun my thoughts.
    Half of me was happy of the very idea.
    Half wasn't believing s**t all.
    I finally paid attention to where I was, for fear a mortal would see me.
    I had run to the park.
    I came here so many times when I had to think, it seemed so obvious.
    Sighing, I slowed down as I made my way out of the tree's, moving to the tree I sat at every day. I came here all the time.
    I slumped down, closing myself off of the world. I put my head in my hands.
    The park was quiet, even for a Friday afternoon. Not a single footstep was heard.
    I sighed, trying to get a grip, and stop the ringing in my ears again.
    A crunch of leaves was heard somewhere around the tree I was at, so I opened my eyes on full alert. I opened my mind, to try and hear who this person was.
    Suprisingly, I could only catch a bit of it, it was so complex for me to read.
    I wonder where Fayne went?
    Oh. Of course.
    Of all the people, at this moment, to top that off.
    He walked around the tree, and stopped in front of me, with a curious expression.
    "Never thought you would be here, of all places." He told me, his soft voice lifting off the confusion I had at the moment.
    "Where do you think I was going to be, then?" I asked sarcastically.
    "Hmm." He thought a moment. "Someplace nicer. You don't seem like the small-town type to me."
    Trust me, I am. I thought, then sighed, motioning for him to sit down. "Then you must be very wrong." I teased, as he sat down beside me.
    We sat in silence, listening to the wind whistle in our ears, whipping out my long brown hair in my face.
    I decided it was unruly behavior for a day like today, so I slowed down the wind.
    Like I said, I'm a Maya.
    "I've been wondering..." I started.
    He looked at me, eyes bright again. "Yes?"
    "Why did you come to a town this small?" Spare me the confusion. I pushed the thought away.
    He grinned. "Just like you. You follow your parents untill you turn eighteen, then you move on."
    For a moment, I thought he was going to say 'because I'm avoiding large places, ergo temptation' or something like that.
    I shifted uncomfortably. "Yeah." I sighed. "My parents died long ago, so I'm here with my brothers and sisters."
    The parents was true, they died like way long ago, and right now, Elinore wasn't really in the sister catigory, thanks to the news she told me.
    How I hated Empaths right now, and their abilities to feel what you feel.
    "You have no parents?" He asked. "How old are your brothers and sisters?"
    Oh, only about two hundred or so. "About eighteen, the guys are twins, though they don't look alike. The girls are twins too, nineteen." I sighed.
    "Nineteen?" He asked. "Shouldn't they be in college?"
    "No, they started school later than normal." I shook my head. "They are Seniors. All of them."
    "You're abandoned."
    He grinned. "Not totally."
    I looked at him in confusion.
    "Aparently, I'm not gone yet." He laughed.
    I joined in. "Thanks." I told him, getting up. He got up too. "I think I feel better."
    "You were sad?" He asked.
    "Confused and angry would be a better description. Oh, that reminds me." I sighed. "I have to apologize to my sister."
    "I was mad at her."
    "Oh, good luck." He grinned.
    "Thanks, I'll need it."
    I smiled, and I have no idea why I did this.
    But who cares?
    I kissed his lips a moment, and started to walk into the woods.
    "Meet you here tomorrow, David." I called back over my shoulder.
    The only thing I caught off his mind as I went was wow.

    Chapter 3

    I was almost at the edge of the woods, about to hit into a sprint.
    But he called me from where he stood.
    "Fayne, wait." He told me, running to me.
    I turned around. "Yes?"
    He stood in front of me, and tried to catch his breath a moment. I grinned.
    "Don't go yet." He asked. "Please."
    I smiled. "Sure. I have all night, trust me." Because only one hour of sleep is needed for me, and I can take that nap tomorrow. I tried not to laugh at my own mind.
    I took his hand, and walked back to the tree. I sat down, followed by him.
    "Um, does that mean...?" He asked, unable to finish the sentence.
    I grinned. "Maybe it does, maybe it doesn't." I teased, then sighed. "I guess so, if you wish."
    Wow, I'll look like a total - excuse the expression - hore. His first day, and I just asked him out. Oh well. The heart wants what the heart wants.
    I smiled, and he kissed my cheek. "Thanks." He said.
    "For talking to me. Usually when a total new guy comes around, everyone's asking s**t questions and my waste of time. No one did this time, and you did." He smiled. "I'm happy you did."
    I pushed him, making him fall to his side.
    Oh, maybe I had pushed a little too hard.
    I'd have to be careful.
    "Sorry." I smiled, helping him back up to a sitting position. "I don't know my own strength." Lie. I sighed, wishing this lie detector in my head would go away.
    It was easy for an immortal - much easier for a vampyre - to see through a lie.
    "You're strong. It doesn't even show." He looked into my eyes. "Your eyes hide secrets."
    Uh oh. I had heard about the mortals who could see truth, and other little things like that. Hope he wasn't one, for I wasn't proud about the bloody secrets I hid.
    I want the bloody hidden secrets to stay hidden.
    And all the other ones.
    "There is something big you hide." He muttered. "By any chance I could know?" He asked, grinning.
    "I can't tell you." I sighed. "But you may guess as much as you wish."
    I sniffed the air a moment. The wind had ceased, but I could swear I heard an enemy, much more smelled him.
    I put a hand up. "Shh." I whispered.
    "What?" He asked, whispering as well.
    "Someone's here." A vampyre, and thirsty at the sounds of it.
    He was going to attack.
    On my grounds.
    No way that would happen.
    "Who?" He asked, looking around.
    I lost my cover. "An enemy." I got up slowly, and walked around the tree. He followed me, I held him tight behind me.
    "An enemy?" He inquired. "What kind of enemy?"
    "Like none you've ever seen, David." I pressed him against the tree trunk, and stood protectively in front of him.
    "Show yourself." I growled.
    A laugh came from the forest, and I turned my gaze to the sound.
    "Come out, a*****e." I hissed. "Don't make me come get you."
    He stepped out.
    "Valamore." I hissed. "Get off my grounds. You're on my territory."
    The dark cloaked figure laughed. "Not a chance. Your boyfriend smells nice, might I have a try?"
    I growled a low, menacing sound. "Didn't affect me, I live to protect him."
    "Fayne?" He asked nervously.
    "Time for the legendary Vampyre to fall." Valamore mocked, then shifted to a croutch.
    s**t. There went my cover.
    Oh well.
    I croutched, and growled. "Get away while you still can, Valamore. Before I chop you to pieces."
    "No chance."
    I stood up, and ran fire down the length of my arms.
    "You know you don't want to mess with me." The fire rages against my pale skin, but it didn't burn me, unlike when it would touch him.
    Being a Maya rocked.
    His eyes widened, and he shifted out of his croutch. "You will never win, Fayne Darkness. In the end, I will win."
    "Get away from me, you a**." I snarled now, making him jolt.
    He ran to the woods, and disapeared inside.
    "Don't you dare think about turning around!" I yelled, still snarling. He would hear me.
    I let out a breath, and turned slowly to David.
    He looked at me, his eyes for once, filled with confusion and fear.
    "I'm so sorry, David." I whispered, not moving closer. I stopped the fire on my arms. "I know you fear what I am, but please, just tell me whatever you have to say, I'll handle it. I never wished to hurt you, even since the first time I saw you."
    He sighed, then moved to stand in front of me. I leaned away from his aproach.
    "What is it?" He asked calmly.
    "Aren't you afraid?"
    He looked at me, then sighed again. "No. Of him, hell yeah. But I think that if I wasn't on your good side, like that a**, I'd be ten feet in the ground in fear." He smiled. "I do not fear you, Fayne. But tell me, how can you stop from feeding on human blood?" He sat down, taking my hand and pulling me down with him. He patted my hand.
    "Abstaining. My family are not like Valamore. We try to be human. Some vampyres think this life is heaven, but it's not. It's like a curse, to us anyways. Even if we know there is no way to change back, we still wish to never harm a mortal."
    "And the fire thing?"
    "I'm a Maya."
    "A what?" He asked, confused.
    "A Maya. A mage. I control all four elements, the first in centuries in the vampyre world. That is why I am a legend."
    "And how old are you?" He asked.
    I bit my lip. "I'd rather not answer that, if you don't mind."
    I sighed. "Roughly three hundred years." I shook my head. "I don't know why, but the only reason why I am not feeding on you, is because of what happens once in a lifetime for every vampyre."
    "And what is that?"
    "Like true love, except more powerful in many more degree's."
    I kissed him, then I sighed, watching the sky.
    He looked at me. "You had that effect on me?"
    I nodded, closing my eyes.
    "Yes, Fayne Darkness fell in love with a mortal." I sighed.