• Bree woke up in a place she was sure couldn't be real. She remembered being at school, and playing on the monkey bars, and falling. But that was it. She must have hit her head and got a concussion. She had to be dreaming. She was in the middle of a large green meadow that seemed to stretch for miles. There were patches of wildflowers in every color, white, blue, red; even black. And, even more amazing than the meadow itself, were the people walking all around. No, not walking. They were floating. They all wore the same white dresses, no matter their gender, and had… were those wings?
    Bree just stared. Then one of the people spotted her, and came over.
    “Hello, little one,” she said. “Are you new? You don’t seem to have your wings yet.”
    “Uh…” was all Bree could answer.
    “I’ll take that as a ‘yes’,” the woman giggled. “Come with me.”
    She pulled Bree up off the soft ground and began floating away. Bree had a hard time keeping up at first—she was so fast—but then the woman slowed down to match Bree’s pace.
    “W-where are you taking me?” Bree asked once she could speak. “Where are we going? Where are my parents? Am I dreaming?”
    The woman laughed at Bree’s many questions, then grew stern. “In order, I’m taking you to my master, we’re going to the training academy, you’re parents are on Earth, and you’re not dreaming.”
    “Wait, my parents are on Earth? Then where am I?”
    “Bree… you’re dead. This is Heaven.”
    Bree stared ahead, dumbstruck, for a few moments. “Heaven?” she asked.
    The woman just nodded gently. By this time, they had reached the training academy. It was a big white building looked somewhat similar to a hospital, but it had armies of angels marching outside, and no parking lot.
    The angel opened the big metal doors for Bree. Inside, it looked like a hotel, but all white, and with no comfy chairs or flat screen TVs showing the news. But there was a counter covered in computers with another angel sitting behind them.
    “We’ve got another one,” said the angel that had led Bree here, walking over to the counter with Bree in tow.
    “New arrival?” asked the angel behind the counter, looking bored and tired.
    “Yeah, just came in. Sounds like died of unknown causes.”
    “Okay. The master’s open in just about another minute.”
    “Come on, little one,” said Bree’s angel, addressing her again. “We won’t have to wait long.”
    The angel was right. About 20 seconds later, a gruff male voice called from behind a closed door, “Next!”
    “Where are we going?” asked Bree as her and the angel walked towards the door. “Who’s your master? Why do we need to see him?”
    “He’s going to help you earn your wings,” answered the angel. “It’s time for you to meet God.”