• The wind howled and whipped in the night around the small huddled figure that was Kyle, sitting with his back against the wall, arms cradling his rifle like a newborn and knees raised to his chest as far as he could get them. The room had a wall missing, and the wind was blowing in the snow which mixed with the blood and tears streaking down Kyles face. Kyle was exhausted, but knew he couldn't sleep. He had to stay awake and alert, and hold out for rescue. Then, in the darkness, he heard a voice.

    "Kyle, why are you afraid, this facility needed to be destroyed and you were protecting it... But it's not functional anymore, you have nothing to guard, and we need people like you to help us." the voice said softly, sweetly.

    Kyle was afraid at first, but then he got angry at the tenacity of his enemy. They destroyed the HAARP facility, and were now trying to get him turn!? The action was insulting, so his anger overrode his fear.

    "Wraith? Wolf? What are you? I figure you can read my name off the tags, meaning you have very keen eyesight, so I say you are a wolf. I also say you haven't met your quota for turned soldiers today. I regret to inform you that I won't be one. You can see my tags, read the line under my name." Kyle said, angrily and with confidence. Kyle stood and faced the darkness through the broken wall.

    "Division 48... Wait a second... We had a brief on you a few months ago... I thought the black ops retreated during the fight!" The wolf in the darkness exclaimed. The fear that trickled into it's voice was subtle, but Kyles training helped him hear it. Kyle decided to use that fear.

    "I didn't! You know black ops it almost entirely made of wolfs, and the ones that aren't wolfs are something more. Do you want to take me now? I hope you have skill." Kyle knew the wolf did not have much skill, but he prayed that it didn't call his bluff.

    "I have friends..." And with these words the sound of thunder made the wolf jump, and Kyle heard two others move. Heavyset, large feet crunching the snow and he knew that they were all three wolf, probably normal Russian huskies, nothing bigger then that for sure. He knew what to do. "We are coming to take you. We would prefer alive, we could use a black ops, we have never captured one alive... but we will kill you if need be"

    "Fine" Kyle said, and he took a deep breath. Three of them... he knew he could take one, maybe two, but definitely not three. He raised his rifle and pointed it into the darkness. "First blood is mine then"

    Kyle heard the three figures spread out just as he anticipated. The rifle he raised swung to the right, and he heard the one on his right step on a branch. Kyle fired, and there was no cry of pain. He cursed himself in thought, wondering how he missed, then he heard a thump of a body hitting the snow at high speed. Kyle was thinking how perfect that shot was, and he heard the wolf on his left dart for the opening in the wall, while the wolf he had been talking to moved left to follow him in. The intelligence of this maneuver was evident in the aftermath. Kyle fired a shot at the leading wolf and again there was no cry of pain, just a thud. He fired again in the same spot, aiming for the largest of the three now, the one he had been speaking to. He heard the wolf cry out, but then leap into the air. "Damn!" Kyle fired again, praying it would connect. No dice.

    The wolf landed on Kyle, its man shaped figure grappled with him with strength twice his own, quickly pinning him to the ground. The wolf-man proceeded to sink it's sharp canine teeth into Kyles shoulder. Kyle didn't yell out in pain, he relaxed and looked at his attacker with his unseeing eyes. The attacking Wolf yelled in anger.

    "Why didn't you change to fight me! Why did you allow me to get this close! I you had changed this would have been fair! Fool!"

    Kyle was surprised by this Russian's seance of honor, but not enough to draw attention away from his immediate goal. He wanted the wolf to see him for what he was. He didn't speak, he simply stared upwards at where he guessed the wolf's face was.

    "Why aren't you speaking! You damn fool. Look me in the eyes! There no-" The wolf's words were cut short. Then he spoke again, now with fear and a trembling voice. "You are blind. You killed two of my best men and you shattered my colarbone with three shots and you blind. Your-"

    "A seer. and now that you've seen my eyes, I see you"

    "No! Don't you say a word to me!" The wolf went in a flash for Kyle's throat.

    "You will die soon, from a silver bullet" Kyle said. Then the teeth riped at his throat. He focused and pushed away the pain, forcing his thoughts directly into the wolfs consciousness. "You will die and your entire platoon will die. No matter what you do, in two short months you will be dead and nothing you do will change it."

    The wolf went into a frenzy, destroying Kyles throat altogether. Finally, he stopped and looked down at his victim solemnly. His heart racing, the wolf changed back into a man, normal as could be, looking down at Kyle with his head near severed. He now know how long he had to live, the fear shook him and he thought of his daughter and wife back home. They would never see him again, and his wife would never know what happened. Tears started streaming down his face and he knelt next to Kyle and said aloud.

    "Two months. You b*****d... Just two months."



    "What is it Jason?"

    "We found Kyles, hes been killed. There were three dead wolfs next to him. He got them all."

    "Damn them... Three? How in god's name?"

    "Two were killed with shots to the head, Kyle was an amazing shot, although two shots to the head on wolfs like that... A miracle. The third isn't changed, and looks as though he shot himself with his own sidearm... Sir, why would he do that?"

    "Kyle lied to him, it's the only way. Kyle saw his eyes in those last moments and saw right then and there. He told him he would die soon, when in reality Kyle had just seen that he would die there, with his own gun, and knew that he would make it happen, saw exactly how to make it happen, and did it. Kyle was the best damn seer we had, and it's only fitting that three to one was what it took to finish him off... Three of the bastards. I'll be sure to get at least that many on my way out."