• I was left all alone in the dorm with Midori chan while Mai and Tate kun were on a date. Midori was very talkative and an annoying b***h. Randomly she said " You know Mikoto how would you feel if Mai and Tate got married" " Why would you care stupid a**" I said under my breath.
    Then the door burst open and Mai screamed " We're getting married" I started to sob and between my sobs i managed to say " But crying why crying how can you do this to me Mai san crying crying crying !!!!!!!!!! "Why Mikoto i thought you would be happy" Mai said. " Why would I be happy if you marry that b*****d you would spend all your time cooking for that pervert" I asked. " Well I wouldn't do that I would still cook 4 u." Yah but it wouldn't be as good,"Well I don't care I'm getting married.

    Wedding day
    Geez why did Mai have to be such a b***h she made me an 18 year old, her flower girl.
    Well I got my Payback I burned her Bouquet. Right after the wedding. "You know Mikoto Mai wasn't crying about the bouquet she was crying about being pregnant" Midori said "Whaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaat!" I screamed "How could she do this to me????!!!!!!

    Term 1

    Geez Mai is getting bigger and she is eating all the food that she cooks for me

    Term 2

    Dang Mai is Huge Oh and the babies are2 boys and 2 girls

    Term 3 s**t Mai Is too big I don't even know how she can still walk.

    Mai is screaming like crazy i definetly don't want kids.
    OMG both boys look like Reito San And the girls Look like Tate Bad Mai.

    Well guess what after the babies were born Natsuki and Shizuru had to babysit me well Shizuru is pregnant now and i am pretty much taking care of her while Natsuki is trying to look like a man. One day Shizuru farted real loud and Natsuki farted back and they started having a farting argument it was really wierd.

    Well Mai and Tate are back geez they are neglecting me now.

    2 months later

    Uh things are really bad Mai is always making me take care of the kids this is torture i really hate this love!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!