• I am an evil creature and my beginning was one bathed in blood. Even to today my existence is one filled with the blood of others. I've no doubt in my heart that my end will be one coated in blood as well. You may not understand when I put it this way though, so maybe I should just go back and start from the beginning shall I?


    I was born near dawn on December 31, 1608 to a Duke Richard and Duchess Annabeth Skye. Though I now have hundreds of names describing my infamy, the name my parents chose for me was Ariana, Ariana Rayanne Skye. My father was a rich nobleman with a large sume of land, this alone placed me in a high standard as I grew up to be a lady at court. Not to mention how my popularity grew as I did with the men at court. Many sought me as a bride prospect and while it may have been a superficial and petty happiness, I was content.

    My best friend at the time was a young girl with a good heart. Her name was Maria Scotte and we had met one night at one of the court parties when we were both twelve. She had pretty blonde hair and big blue eyes as opposed to my honey streaked auburn hair and startling violet eyes. We were practically instant friends. From that night on till our fifteenth years we were inseperable. Maria was a bit of a tom boy and I was the picture of a perfect princess but we didn't let that get in the way of our friendship. I showed her how to be more of a girl and she showed me that occasionally it's fun to get a little dirty. The night that started the descent was the night we both met him.

    I remember that night and every night till the end with perfect clarity, even through the slur of the years and the forgetfullness of time. There had been buzz about in the castle weeks that there was to a large party on the first of June. On the day of the party Maria and I had spent hours in my chambers with my maids preparing for the party. Apparently there was a guest from a neighboring kingdom visiting the party. A prince, in fact. Both our parents had ordered we look our best for the family of the girl he chose as his wife would be made tremendously wealthy. He would be stay in the castle here for seven months, and attending all the royal court parties till he had found a wife.

    Naturally our parent's expected us to try and win his heart so for hours we sat in my room dressing up in our finest dresses and jewelry, doing each other's hair and make-up till we looked perfect. My dress was a Navy blue dress with dark violet accents that stood out strikingly against my pale skin. Maria's was baby pink with with pearls and ribbons. I pulled her hair into a tight french twist with losse strands in the front that fell delicately into her cute face. Her pearl drop earrings were a nice touch from my jewelry chest. I had a diamond necklace with diamond studed gold earrings and my auburn hair falling down my back loosely. When we were finishe we smiled at each other and arm in arm made our way to the ball room.

    "Ladies Ariana of Mayshire and Maria of Chifan" The crier announced grandoisely, bangging his staff against the marble floor twice as we descended gracefully from the top of the grand stair case. I reveled in the power I felt through the eyes of the men in the room locked upon me and my friend. I searched the room with my eyes eager to set my eye on this mystery prince, but the ball room was filled only with the familiar court faces and the extra throne set up at the head of the room remained empty, which led me to the conclusion that the prince had yet to arrive. Slightly discouraged we made our way out onto the floor and curtseyed to the court noblemen that arrived to have the first dance with us.

    After an hour of dancing we regrouped at the back of the room exhuasted. Suddenly the crier's staff banged against the floor twice, bringing the room to absolute silence as we all turned to face the double doors at the top of the stair as the swung open creakily. "Prince Julius of Lyrica, slayer of dragons and bringer of peace." The figure that emmerged was undoubtedly the most handsome man I had ever seen. He brought about the immediate swooning of every girl in the room excluding myself. Handsome as he was I was not about to curtsey submissively and faint. I had my own brain. I looked over at Maria only to see my tom boyish friend swooning in her seat like I refused to.

    I could practically see little hearts floating above her head as she stared at the Adonis and I giggled as she practically drooled at him. As he reached the floor he looked around identifying all the maiden's hearts his looks had captured, no doubt. His eyes lited upon Maria and I and lit up. Slowly and deliberately he made his way over to us. I nudged Maria, "He's coming over here." And giggling again lightly I turned to face him. His eyes appeared to be glued to Maria and I was glad for her. Prince or no he was not really my type. All looks and no brain. I wanted someone interested in something other than his looks. As he knelt before us I could imagine Maria's surprise when he kissed her hand so imagine my own when before my very eyes he lifted my own and touched his warm lips to it delicately.

    "Ariana?!" The shock in Maria's voice stung but it revealed how she too had expected him to kiss her own hand. But my friend loved him and I didn't. I definitely wouldn't be falling in love any time soon either, at least that's what I thought... But my heart had different plans for itself.


    To be continued