• Great. It was raining cats and dogs along with thunder and lightning. What a great day to go inside a haunted house. Hiya, lemme introduce myself. I'm Jason Baker, an ordinary kid who got challenged to go into a creepy and abandoned house. Well, my friend Liam was the one who challenged me and here we are, stuck in the haunted house. The cold wind blew through the half broken glass windows. I shivered as we entered the main hall of the house.Of course, it's midnight. We had secretly sneaked out and agreed to meet at my house. Now some rain were coming in through the windows. The lightning and thunder made this scarier. Why am I always SO unlucky? The floorboard creaked as Liam walked over to the hall's staircase, urging me to go up. 'No way, Liam! This hall's scary enough! I've completed your challenge, now let's go back.' I said, refusing to go up. It was true. He never said to go around the house, just to step in the house. The hall was covered with pictures of bearded men. The lightning made it easy to see the horrifying pictures hanging on the wall. Liam just snickered, 'Come on, Jason! Surely you're not a chicken right?' His snickering made me really angry. For goodness sake, it was already midnight! Dosen't he knows that we'll be in trouble if one of our parents wake up and find us missing?! Liam was always so irresponsible! Just then, the thunder disturbed me from my thoughts. Suddenly, I noticed that Liam was not at the staircase anymore. Where could he be? I looked around but there was no sign of him. I gathered up all the courage I could and shouted, 'Liam?' My attempt to shout failed miserably and all that came out was a squeak. Now I was really worried. Maybe he could've already sneaked out? Or gone up to the top floor? Then, I decided I had enough of this haunted house. I quickly rushed back toward the exit. Luckily, the old wooden door was opened. I expected it to be lock, like those haunted movies. I rushed out of the house, not bothering to close the door. Something in my mind told me to look back at the house. I turned around and almost fainted. At the top window, I saw a little boy holding Liam by the hand like he was some kinda doll. The boy was smaller than Liam but he was holding him high. As the lightning striked, I saw him pull back a smile. He had sharp pointy teeth which made me shiver. Then, another flash of lightning striked and he was gone, with Liam. And that left me, all alone in the rain.....