• Morning is coming... A Morning I won't forget...

    Arc's grey eyes grazed out of the window. His hands pressed against the cold stone that lined it. "Looks like morning is coming." He announced to himself with a grin. The world below looked to be swallowed by darkness as the sky grew a pale orange. It had been a month since the president has stayed in his school all night and he was glad he had. A new year was coming after all, a year that he knew he would never forget.

    The man leaned against the window's edge in silence, watching as outside came alive. Slim beams of sunlight grazed along the tall trees' tops as they stood tall and firm. A warm wind gently arose and made the leaves and grass dance. The sweet sparkle of the sun's light reflected against the drew of the ground. 'It's all as it should be.' Arc told himself, 'All as it should be... For now.' At that moment, the student picked himself back onto his feet and started his slowed walk to the Council room. For he knew what would come after the wind, 'The teachers.' He answered himself, 'Then the staff' His feet began to pick up speed, 'And then...' This breath became deep, 'The students.'
    A Morning I Will Treasure...