• "I can't ,I just can't" those were Towana's last words as she lowerd her sword next to the young man's shoulder.
    "What are you doing Towana? I thought that you wanted to become a revolutionary like me? I thought that you wanted to use the wonderful gift of justice that you were born with?" questions her sensei from behind her.
    "I do but why do i have to take this young mans life? Tell me what he has done wrong!"
    "Towana this man in front of you is the son of a visoius murderer. Now kill him before he kills you!"
    "I shall not for he has killed no one and just because his father is a 'visious murderer' I'm supose to believe that he is going to follow in his fathers path. I don't think so I believe that if people have the chance to change and the ways of doing it then they will so what this young man needs is not to be killed but a chance to prove to us that he will not follow in his father's path but instead to help out others."
    The time passes in silence as Towana waits calmly for her sensei to speak but still felling no regret for saving the young man's life.
    "Well said Towana I will let this man live if he is willing to change so you must work with him until he has rightfully earned 10 people's respect"
    "I will sensei and thank you for saving thins young man's life"
    "No Towana thank you for showing me that I was going to force you to make the wrong decision, now get to work on reforming this man here you hav as long as you need"
    "Thank you again sensei and i promise you won't be disapointed"
    Towana waits for her sensei to walk off into the woods. A few minitues pass as Towana thinks of a way to talk to the young man. She is still thinking when the young mans asks, "So why did you save my life I mean I don't even know me or let alone i don't even know you. So why I mean you sensei did hav a point that you should of killed me before I killed you i mean she did say that my father was a visous murderer. So why didn't you?" A few more minutes pass in silence as Towana thinks of an awnser to the questins the young man just asked. While the young man starts to feel bad for putting all that pressure on Towana.
    Towana finally found the words to awnser the young man's questions, "First off my name is Towana but you can simpilly call me Towa, and the reason to why I saved your life was because I wouldn't be able to kill someone with my own blade it would haunt me for lthe rest of my life and I do believe that people will change if they have a chance to. Lastley the third reason for why i dint kill you was because you were to cute to kill and I didn't want your soul mate to be heart broken because she never found you. Plus I kinda new that if I didn't kill you you wouldn't have killed me because I saw how still you were kealing when you knew that your life was gonna come to an end you have to much pride to follow in your father's path but you hide in shame of what he does." The young man just stood there for a while still in shock over what Towa said.
    "well thank you" says the young man starting to blush because Towa had just called him cute."my name is Tristian and Towana is just way to formal just call me Towa."
    "well hello Tristian and sure why not, " replies Towa,"now come on we need to get working on our task I want to set our task to a 3 year limit so you better have at least 9 more peoples respect by then",after stayting that Toto starts to walk to the town.
    "all right all right I'm coming just wait up, oh did you really think that i'm cute?"