"Max what the heck are you talking about! your really scaring me!!!"
"Look greg, i'm sorry you had to see me fight, beleive me that was the last thing i wanted you to see, me do."
This whole thing started a couple of days ago, when me and greg, the guy i really like and the last one on this planet that i wanted to know that i had powers, went into the aditurium, and sat down before the big assembaly started. We begain talking about everything and i was leading him up to how i liked him. But before i could this demond named Miskask, showed up. He's this general demon one of the ones that are close to Princess. I told him to duck down and start crowling away but the demon sensed me before i could get him out so............ know lets RE-WIND"
"Greg no matter what happons here i want you to keep heading for that door, ok!"
"Wait what? What going on?"
Just then the worst thing happoned, the demond called out my name, and jumped over a whole bunch of rows of chairs and into my face.
"Nice to finaly meet the choisen one to distroy my master. But i'm afraid now that i've meet you i must kill you."
"Max run!" Greg yelled out to me, but i just sat there, with a frown on my face.
"I will fight you if you promise not to even lay one finger on him, got it!"
"MAX!" Greg yelled, he sounded so confused and scared for not only his life but also mine.
I stood up and smiled slightly at him then flew into the air and transformed. His eye's opened wide as he saw me change from me to this girl with glicing silver hair and light green eyes, a light green tank top, and a grey skrit.
I flew forward and begain, fighting him, with my magic and my strength. I was flown down alot, and each time i did i could feel Greg becomeing even more afraid of me and the demon. Finaly when i had betten him...." PLAY FROM BEGINING"
" What the hell are you?"
"I'm max... but with alittle more, i fight demons and use magic, and i'm trying to rid the world of eveil. To make it a better-"
"Max what the heck are you talking about! your really scaring me!!!"
"Look greg, i'm sorry you had to see me fight, beleive me that was the last thing i wanted you to see, me do."
"Well i did and i'm... willing... to acept you the way you...are. But next time, warn me before one of those things comes."
Greg smiled at her and took her hand, and pulled her close to him, tucked her head under his chin, and told her that he really liked her and that he'd be whilling to date her. She smiled and acepped what he said. And they lived happaly ever after.
omg it took me like weeks ...
Simply an alternate view on...
Third chapter to two previo...
fourth installment. sorry f...
The Formuler z11 pro is the...
When he bests you at your o...
HORROR: A serial killer sta...