- "People are so scared......They are scared for thier children.............",said Rick Porter, the newsreporter on the 8:00 news. The main focus was the economy. People wonder how he could lie infront of everybody. He didnt care. But, he had 5 children at home. One of his daughters, Jackie, turned the T.V. off. She despised her father for leaving her and her other 4 brothers and sisters. But something would happen to Rick Porter that shocked many people in Chicago. Scandal. Soon the news company fired him so they wouldn't be involved. Then, a month later, Jackie heard a knock on the on the door. When she answered, the used to be suave Rick Porter begged to come in dressed in tattered clothes. He told his daughter everything to how he lost his mansion and his money, to needing a place to stay. Jackie decided to let her mother decide. She knew how mad her mother was at her dad."You'll have to let my mother decide", she said with a smile on her face. Her father was horrified.
- by 90_heart_breaker |
- Fiction
- | Submitted on 06/28/2009 |
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- Title: Choices Chapter I
- Artist: 90_heart_breaker
- Description: Ive already wrote 5 chapters so if you want more, just tell me.:)
- Date: 06/28/2009
- Tags: drama choices
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